Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] himself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The white-bearded campaigner prided himself on blunt , outspoken views .
2 The barman reinstalled himself behind the jump and enquired after my pleasure .
3 JIM COURIER redeemed himself for past Davis Cup failures by beating Switzerland 's Jakob Hlasek in Fort Worth , Texas last night to clinch the Cup for the United States for the 30th time since 1900 .
4 The mathematician propelled himself towards the prone figure some yards away .
5 No wonder , then , that the poet described himself as ‘ a wanderer ’ , supporting the literal sense of the next poem 's conclusion .
6 But come in out of the cold , ’ he said , seeing how the little priest hunched himself like a ruffled bird inside his gown .
7 But the priest allowed himself to be seated and to have a glass of wine poured for him .
8 Two died of coronaries … and while a policeman was giving a coronary victim resuscitation , a fan relieved himself on both . ’
9 And the sparrow preened himself of yesterday 's promise
10 The horse hurt himself on the first jump and despite leading for much of the way round never really mastered the race .
11 Another former confidant , John Biffen , in effect removed himself from the government after coded criticism of the Prime Minister 's strident , dogmatic style .
12 He noted the rapid , undignified scramble by which the culprit extricated himself from the ropes on the river path , followed by ominous little trickles of loose earth ; and the exaggerated dignity with which he compensated as soon as he was clear , his slender back turned upon the voice that blasted him out of danger , his crest self-consciously reared in affected disregard of sounds which could not possibly be directed at him .
13 Thus the clown prince of English football crowned himself as the football emperor of the Eternal City .
14 An enormous boxer hurled himself on me in delight , clawing at my chest with the biggest , horniest feet I had seen for a long time .
15 Another stun grenade was thrown in and a third soldier hurled himself through the window after it , before it had exploded .
16 The former England striker injured himself in the Coca-Cola Cup replay with Everton on Tuesday and a specialist has advised complete rest .
17 Behind the desk a single clerk busied himself with paperwork .
18 In winter the chestnut-seller installed himself at the edge of the market .
19 When the large chromium headlamps of the Citron were only five feet from them , the first boy flung himself into the roadside ditch and let out a yell of triumph as he tumbled into the filthy water .
20 The boy found himself in a peculiar position .
21 The grounds of the appeal were that ( 1 ) the judge misdirected himself in holding that the preliminary issue should be answered in the affirmative and/or in giving judgment on the preliminary issue for the plaintiff and ( 2 ) the defendants were not liable in negligence to the plaintiff for any injury , loss or damage suffered by him while a foetus and en ventre sa mère since he was born prior to the passing of the Congenital Diabilities ( Civil Liability ) Act 1976 and the common law did not recognise such a cause of action .
22 El-ahrairah allowed himself to be persuaded and the soldiers took him to the king .
23 The should of slow labouring footsteps could be heard moving along the first-floor landing as the boy threw himself into the kitchen and slammed the door behind him .
24 The old man swayed gently on his haunches , then , as the boy threw himself to the left , moved effortlessly across , fending off the child with his palms , using the least force possible to achieve his end .
25 Isabel asked herself as fitzAlan swung himself into the saddle behind her .
26 It would perhaps make a poignant epitaph to Eliot 's creative career that he should return to the literary associations and memories of his youth in America — the " Victorian American " who even in his rebellion against that inheritance marked himself as its true heir .
27 The anti-bloodsports campaigner threw himself in the Amazon 's path , brandishing his clipboard .
28 With the publication of what was his most important work apart from the Idées , namely the Extinction du Paupérisme , the Prince showed himself to be aware of the grave socio-economic problems which afflicted the mass of the French people ; to whom he now offered a solution .
29 The victory ended a run of three successive defeats , and Shell showed himself to be a relatively undemonstrative head coach prepared to listen to the advice of his assistant coaches and players before calling the big plays .
30 he sez they went to several addresses but then the driver surrendered himself at the police station .
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