Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] support [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once others are brought in and contribute their money or support to a project , they also have a stake in making it work .
2 Denied any recognition or support from the outside , beleaguered by the blockade , and reportedly unable to exert control over an internal situation rapidly degenerating into anarchy , the BRA leadership remained open to the prospects of a settlement with the PNG government .
3 He also insisted that I put a notice in the local paper in order to thank ‘ … all friends , Welsh and English , for their kindness and support during his recent attack of lung cancer and was happy to report that he was now well on the way to recovery ’ .
4 We will reverse the unfair treatment which has meant that the inner cities have lost out in terms of local government finance , housing investment and support for employment .
5 They will be able to give you a practical demonstration and support with an after sales service that offers a same day or out of hours call .
6 I advised Smith very strongly that the best course of action for him was to throw all his weight and support behind the Lancaster House agreement , whatever it turned out to be , which he showed great reluctance to do because in his view Lancaster House was a total capitulation to the black population .
7 Similarly , within ATE areas testing could be supported by intelligent diagnostic information systems capable of guidance and support to the test engineer helping him assimilate complex failure history data and useful testing procedures .
8 While attitudes on education and medical care strongly support either direct state provision or state guidance and support for private provision , attitudes on income support and urban relief are much more mixed .
9 The centre has implemented an effective system of induction , guidance and support for its candidates ' Appeals .
10 establish , in association , with each placement , an adequate system of induction , guidance and support for the student ;
11 there are a hundred vital values to work from , each one offering a distinctive hue and supported by Faber-Castell 's guarantee of lasting colour brilliance .
12 An integrated transport policy which gives priority to government funding of public transport is also recommended , as is increased research and education , more accountability from industry and support for the " polluter pays " principle .
13 ‘ Secondly — and especially in those parishes most affected by the threatened closures — we must offer practical friendship and support to those likely to be hurt by the closures .
14 The friends she had made were the dependable , kindly sort of people whose company would give her pleasure and support in the years to come , as their affection towards her , in these last few terrible weeks , had shown so clearly .
15 Possibly in response to the stimuli given by the bishops ' public statements , the bishops found that local councils were coming to their aid and support in opposing the proposed educational revolution .
16 Between March 18 and April 23 the USC regime 's interim Prime Minister Umar Arteh Ghalib visited four Gulf states and Egypt , Syria , Tunisia and Libya , seeking aid and support in resolving the armed conflict .
17 In return , Lynwood will be the UK distributor for Cail Systems ' range of colour stations as well as providing maintenance and support to UK users .
18 Ilog SA , the french engineering software specialist , is expanding its operations to the UK starting up Ilog Ltd , Guilford , Surrey , to provide maintenance and support for its UK users .
19 When people think of giving help or support to those in trouble they nearly always imagine that this help will need to be of an intense and emotional nature .
20 4.27 All employees in day or residential establishments should know and have easy access to telephone numbers which can be used to summon help or support in the event of difficulty .
21 That this ‘ slippage ’ is so slight is due to the fact that the other Enterprise staff have worked a great deal of extra time and taken on extra responsibilities and I take this opportunity of thanking them for their hard work and support during this period .
22 The outreach work and support to carers is seen as a major component and a worker on qualified social worker grade is provided specifically for the project .
23 This title might be especially applicable to the Protestant Church , because of its ‘ established ’ status , that is , as the church which is instituted by law and supported by the state , the government and the taxpayer .
24 Either you consider that the County Farms are playing a role set down by law and supported over the years of an , which no other authority and no other body in the country can provide , and which is a socially valuable role , and that is to provide the first step in farming , and clearly they do .
25 Described as a superset of Windows 3.1 for Workgroups , Windows NT comes with the Windows interface , Object Linking & Embedding , Dynamic Data Exchange , offers multithreading , security , object management and support for the Win32 application programming interface .
26 Described as a superset of Windows 3.1 for Workgroups , Windows NT comes with the has Windows interface , Object Linking and Embedding , Dynamic Data Exchange , offers multithreading , security , object management and support for the Win32 application programming interface .
27 Er , and we are not in terms of any comparative statistics that are providing costs on management and support in any way a high spender vis a vis other local authorities , .
28 The latter , recommended by The Warnock Report ( DES 1978 ) , was established in law by the 1981 Education Act and supported by subsequent advice to professionals issued by the DES ( 1983 , 1989 ) .
29 But when he does resume them , when the time comes for him to make his next leap , the suggestions made in the course of this affair of his fiction fatigue and literal turn — suggestions which receive both rebuttal and support from within the shape-changing dialectic represented by The Counterlife — will not deserve to be forgotten .
30 Researched by Miss Margaret Wilkes and Ms Diana Webster of the Map Library , and with sponsorship and support from The Highlands and Islands Development Board , Mobil North Sea Limited , British Aerospace , and the Ordnance Survey , the display fully exploited the new exhibition facilities to bring together a stunning collection of maps , charts , aerial photographs , satellite images , and map-making instruments .
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