Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] to take [noun] " in BNC.

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1 None emerged with the necessary overall majority , however , and in the absence of agreement on a national unity government a second round run-off between the two leading candidates on Jan. 6 would be necessary , with the new President due to take office on Jan. 14 , 1991 .
2 The back line made a few errors but there was n't anyone on the Southampton side able to take advantage .
3 As a result , virtually all the leading Formula One teams — they are nearly all sponsored by tobacco companies — could have their cars or equipment seized if they travel to France and a major test session due to take place at Paul Ricard before Christmas is likely to be cancelled .
4 Although it was unable to veto legislation , the Liberal majority in the Senate — led by former Deputy Prime Minister Allan MacEachan — blocked a key piece of government legislation : a bill to implement the highly unpopular goods and services tax ( GST ) , a new 7 per cent value added tax due to take effect on Jan. 1 , 1991 .
5 Er , a particular concern at the time of writing the report was the position concerning the long outstanding proposals to develop to redevelop the two sites in Harlow erm to date we have no information from the county , er , there was scheduled to be erm , the meeting due to take place on the twenty second of September but the county er cancelled that meeting so it 's impossible at this stage to give any further comment on that erm although I believe that matter 's being taken up .
6 The next meeting due to take place on Thursday February 13 is a Chinese evening , with the committee providing food .
7 Another example which serves to illustrate this view of citizenship as apolitical is the decision taken by a Conservative-controlled local authority , Barnet , in 1987 to refuse to allow political groups such as CND or Amnesty International to take part in a community festival ( the Court of Appeal found that this decision was unlawful and struck it down , too late to save the festival ) .
8 As you seem the only person present able to take instructions , perhaps you will relay them to Mrs Arkwright when she can be found .
9 ENynex Corp has extended its status as the biggest cable television operator in the UK by buying out US Cable Corp and Morgan Cable Ltd to take control of the Bury and Rochdale and Oldham and Tameside cable franchises : the New York and New England phone company now holds 19 franchises surviving a potential 2.7m homes and offices , and says it plans to invest over £1,000m in the next six to seven years to provide cable and telephone services ; at present it is providing cable television services to only 35,000 customers and 20,000 telephone lines .
10 T.J. Chambers , the meeting of the Commission due to take place on 26 May 1993 has been postponed .
11 It was announced on Nov. 20 that Dec. 18 had been chosen as the date for South Korea 's presidential elections , with the winning candidate due to take office at the end of Roh Tae Woo 's current term on Feb. 25 , 1993 .
12 Democracy requires a society willing to take risks .
13 The air was full of sounds — the jangle of reins or goat bells , noises — could they travel so far ? — of parties making for , perhaps already on , the lake ready to take advantage of the promised full moon , dog barkings , cow lowings , sheep , horses : the town and its fjords of fields was as restless as he with the hidden cries of the night .
14 It also means that the Scottish international 's disciplinary hearing due to take place at the Football Association this afternoon has been called off .
15 X/Open expects the likes of Sequent Computer Systems Inc and Tandem Computer Inc to take advantage of membership at this level to influence specifications , for example , on commercial multi-processing and fault tolerance .
16 It is hoped to finalise the constitution at the next meeting of the working party due to take place on Saturday , January 16th 1993 , when it is hoped to settle a draft budget once it is known whether any assistance will be provided by DXGIII and also to fix the date of the launch of the new Federation .
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