Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] stand [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the West Country you are drawn into its natural beauty by the progress of the seasons and the constant contact with the sea.Whether it be dolphin counting from a yacht or standing in esturial slime to catch a flatfish , the coast is a pleasure ground that rarely disappoints .
2 Most people who have travelled through the Monkton district of Ayrshire will have noticed the monument that stands on the high ground behind the Dutch House Caravan Park , and wondered what it is and why it is there .
3 She lifted her feet , one by one , pressed them down on to the boot-scraper that stood by the back door .
4 Now , I 'd rather be sitting in a car than standing on a crowded platform , but there was n't much in the way of light relief on the radio .
5 Clare helped her into a black car that stood by the kerb with its door open .
6 Barbara Molland had found the box in a trunk that stood under the window in Kate 's room .
7 But the figure that stood before her was the last she had expected to see .
8 ‘ Would you tell me not to touch the little Degas horse that stands on my desk ? ’
9 She took an instinctive step back and brushed against a small marble horse that stood on a pedestal .
10 In Stanley Park , there is a solitary rock that stands in the inlet , like a sentinel , a few feet off Prospect Point .
11 Second , crime is accepted to be a legal category — no attempt is being made to propose , as we saw some positivists tried to do , that we can arrive at some more objective conception that stands above the acts of human deliberation that constitute the process of legal definition .
12 Communist fractions , of course , remained in being but they did not breach the basic principle of British trade unionism that there should be no separate organizations based on ideology or religion and standing in opposition to the TUC .
13 The little hard evidence we have of Sybil at this time points to a tough and cheerful woman who had made her deal and stood by it .
14 ‘ That was a reverse of the journey we made so many times to council planning meetings , ’ said Steve Clarke , chairman of the Supporters ' Club and standing for election to the board .
15 I get up from my seat and stand beside him .
16 In what might conceivably have been the last chance of a diplomatic settlement , with the encouraging or surreal touches of a personally popular Ho walking up the Champs Elysees to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and standing beside Bidault on the Fourteenth of July , these were the fundamental issues .
17 Philip ran to the edge of the feeding-ground and stood on the log .
18 The gigantically helmeted head of some biblical hero would stick out through the roof and stand like an Easter Island monolith among the chimneys and machine-gun emplacements , jewelled eyes blazing with golem life .
19 And , as he finished pouring their brandies , she walked ahead of him through the open doorway and stood for a moment before the huge window , listening to the music , gazing out to sea , aware of a sense of peace and deep contentment .
20 Stren Withel hesitated hallway to the door as several very large trolls ducked under the doorway and stood on either side of the fat man , blinking in the light .
21 With the awful feeling in her bones that she really had blown it , Fabia got out of the car and stood with him on the pavement .
22 As the first grey slivers of dawn were filtering down through the trees , Roger Forester climbed stiffly from his hire car and stood on the track beside it , stretching his sore limbs and trying to beat some warmth into himself .
23 Geoffrey got out of the car and stood in front of Michael , willing him to calm down .
24 I went into the dome car and stood behind the bar with the bartender , and felt furious with Sheridan , not for his outrageous behaviour but because he was getting me noticed .
25 We walked out for the victory ceremony and stood behind the plinth .
26 Nicky was gasping , throwing Maria and Luke a quick apologetic glance and standing on one leg to examine an elegant leather shoe as the door closed .
27 'Go and stand on an upstairs mat and look under a cricket bat' , ‘ Look in a place where it is cold and you will find your pot of gold . ’
28 Then he would go to his study and attend to his own writing , characteristically composing straight onto the typewriter and standing at a kind of lectern .
29 The defendants , caught between the need to demonstrate their innocence and to stand by their political commitment , opted to make a political defence .
30 His early concerns as a parish minister and his active involvement in the cultural and political turmoil of Germany in the 1920s and 1930s are of direct relevance for his theology , and in particular for the passionate conviction that ran through all his work from 1918 to 1968 : that Christian faith rests solely on the revelation of God in Jesus Christ , and that the task of theology is to allow that revelation to shine in its own light and stand on its own authority as the Word of God to us .
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