Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] upon [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is a question of fact in each case depending upon the circumstances , section 31(2) .
2 Any such movement usually occurs in the early part of a buildings 's life but this may not always be the case depending upon the nature of the subsoil upon which the building is founded .
3 Should the goods prove unfit for their purpose , the buyer will have a claim only if their unfitness relates to the sphere of reliance placed upon the seller .
4 Political leadership of the cause remained , into the 1830s , in the hands primarily of the upper echelons of the Anglican middle class but mass support depended upon the activism of evangelical dissent down to and including the artisan class .
5 I can not conceive that the pathologist will trouble to look there for a puncture mark and indeed , prior to that eventuality , it does n't seem likely that the emergency team of paramedics they 'll send out from Brighton General will be well enough acquainted with the action of this drug to hit upon the right antidote in time to prevent her from expiring . ’
6 Progress depended upon an ascetic , unflinching commitment to ‘ realism ’ .
7 In this way the energy pattern of a cancer-causing agent can transfer itself via the field to impinge upon the cell if the cell exhibits a vulnerability or an attractiveness to the agent .
8 As we have seen , the degree to which this entailed the active participation of staff across the curriculum depended upon the quality of liaison and feedback to the committee itself .
9 After becoming estranged from Kim Dae Jung following their inability to agree upon a single candidate to oppose Roh Tae Woo in the 1987 presidential contest , in 1990 he led his opposition party into an amalgamation with Roh 's ruling party to form the DLP .
10 On the facts of the case the rules of natural justice had been broken because the constable had had no opportunity to comment upon the allegations made against him .
11 Such a motion is exempted business , so that the House in question can not be denied the opportunity to pass upon the matter simply by government manipulation of time , but in relation to the vast majority of instruments , opposition is pointless and rarely mounted .
12 No scene , perhaps , in The Lord of the Rings is more moving or more suggestive than the one in which Sam and Frodo , in Mordor , see the wind changing and the darkness driven back , and then as if in answer to prayer come upon a trickle of water : ‘ ill-fated ’ and ‘ fruitless ’ in appearance , but at that moment seemingly a message from the world outside , beyond the Shadow .
13 In the standard account of expansionary monetary policy illustrated in Figure 7.6 , the economy is seen to move from point A to point B very quickly owing to the immediate impact that the increase in the supply of money has upon the rate of interest .
14 The three related complaints concerned a National Executive Committee 's attempt to renege upon a ten year old conference agreement without a vote at conference .
15 He discusses the problems which occur in getting the user department and the computer department to agree upon a specification and the prolonged timescales often involved .
16 Second , as the tension is released and the muscles go limp they become effectively dead weight hanging upon the bones of the skeleton .
17 In the case of magistrates this was confirmed in Croydon LBC v N and Others [ 1987 ] 2 FLR 61 although the inherent jurisdiction can not be exercised to contravene any statutory provision , regulation or rule binding upon the court .
18 Likewise , a carpenter or joiner might be on a set day rate but who for a period might take on a separate contract to saw timber at a rate per 100 ft. , the figure depending upon the hardness of the wood .
19 Many of the recommendations of the Civil Justice Review relied upon the results of a factual study undertaken by Touche Ross Management Consultants .
20 A rise in either government expenditure or the quantity of money will shift the aggregate demand curve to the right , the exact size of the effect depending upon the slopes of the IS and LM curves .
21 He also reviews the starting point options open to the personnel department depending upon the current status of payroll and personnel information with the organisation .
22 The research builds upon a previous major survey of UK marketing activity undertaken by the authors ( ’ Marketing in the UK : A Survey of Current Practice and Performance ’ , Institute of Marketing , 1984 ) .
23 The proposed research builds upon the findings of the applicant 's small scale , exploratory study in Hartlepool ( Morris , 1987 ) , which found male unemployment to be concentrated in families , and duration of unemployment to be longer in areas where the rate of unemployment was higher .
24 The research builds upon the Northern Ireland Property Market Analysis Project ( NIPMAP ) established by the investigators in 1984 .
25 Accordingly , shorelines are said to be submergent or emergent depending upon the most strongly marked characteristics present .
26 There is no trust deed , no trustee and the saver 's claim upon the assets of the trust is only the very general claim that any shareholder has upon a company .
27 While this rule depends upon the provisions of the federal and state constitutions , the reasoning has universal application .
28 I had taken with me my copy of Pascal 's Pensées and by a nice irony came upon a passage which echoed the motto for the ‘ new thinking ’ of János Kádár :
29 Past experience has shown , on more than one occasion , that the adequate functioning of a modern ‘ high-bay ’ warehouse depends upon the correct implementation and diligent application of a highly disciplined systems approach .
30 Much of the success of an approach based on meaning and pleasure depends upon the quality of the reading materials .
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