Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] itself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My enthusiasm transmitted itself to Malc and he left at the end of visiting time a happier man .
2 A twenty-five-foot wave flung itself at the canoe from an unexpected angle and before the crew could turn to absorb the blow , the Hokule'a rose up the face of the wave at forty-five degrees , and was capsized as it flew off the peak .
3 Coutts & Co prides itself on offering comprehensive national and international banking and financial services with ‘ an unwavering commitment to courteous and individual service ’ .
4 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
5 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
6 I believe that it was , or had some connection with , a species of agoraphobia , which in his case manifested itself as an acute fear of heights .
7 DIPLOMACY was plunged into darkness and officials were stranded in lifts after a snake coiled itself round power cables and blew all the fuses in a government conference centre in northern Tanzania .
8 DIPLOMATS were stranded in lifts when a snake coiled itself round power cables and blew the fuses at a conference in Tanzania .
9 Institutionalised racism manifests itself in insensitive service provision in health and social services , with barriers around language , the pattern of family names and vocabulary .
10 The ‘ resentment ’ at being denied possible access to positions of respect and maybe responsibility manifests itself in a number of ways , not least in the social posture of black youth in the UK .
11 As from last week , ICL plc 's Training Services division transformed itself into Peritas Ltd , a wholly-owned , but independent subsidiary .
12 He picked up an old ornament : a serpent winding itself around a globe ; an appropriate image .
13 Oxford Polytechnic , deriving from a further education institution with poor facilities , had a struggle to establish itself with the CNAA .
14 Confronted with the crass sexual exploitation of mainstream pop , alternative British rock shrouds itself in shapeless jumpers and stares heavenwards .
15 Anxiously , they waited as Delaney 's black figure lowered itself into the fog , and was lost , bit by bit , from view , suggesting a primordial creature descending into a tropical , mist-covered swamp .
16 My feeling of distaste and fear manifested itself in mounting irritability .
17 Punk prided itself on making recordings with all the rough edges showing .
18 The Association applied itself to ways of resolving the continuing tension between the utilitarian needs of business and industry and the reinvigoration of a cultural leadership , its avowed objective being to reconcile practical utility , enlightened patriotism , and the " human ideal " in education .
19 In the 1629 session he told the Commons that ‘ religion offers itself to your first consideration at this time ’ , and reproached the Speaker for undue readiness to obey the king 's orders .
20 A palpable bulk aligned itself beneath them , a fish on a line , but a fish without fight .
21 Indeed in Cehave NV v Bremer Handelgesellschaft [ 1976 ] QB 44 , the Court of Appeal considered that it was the intention to re-state the pre-existing sales law and that this intention translated itself into a canon of statutory interpretation .
22 Protestantism concerned itself with the inscription of dogma , attention to the text , was more emphatically scriptural .
23 His mind concentrated itself on Tolby 's footsteps which were slightly uneven , as if the solicitor had a slight limp .
24 Indirect Rule and the evolution of the Commonwealth idea had disarmed much left-wing criticism of the empire in the years between the wars and encouraged the development among British radicals of ‘ responsible ’ views on imperial subjects , which came naturally to bloom when Labour found itself at last in office .
25 After years of assuring everyone that China could be trusted to carry out the 1984 British-Chinese agreement on Hong Kong in good faith , the colonial administration found itself after Tiananmen Square presiding over a population which knew that China could not be trusted at all .
26 ‘ Some things , though , have to be taken seriously , ’ he went on , allowing a faint note of patronage to insinuate itself into his words .
27 It also offers the spectacle ( increasingly common this season ) of crack British acting talent hurling itself down a lucrative drain .
28 For the whole basis of Sartre 's argument is that the dialectic of history is not a metaphysical law , ‘ some powerful unitary force revealing itself behind History like the will of God ’ , but the continuously produced effect of individual conflicts ; each action is in its turn subsumed as a part of the whole in an ever broader , developing totalization ( I , 37 ) .
29 Do n't be surprised if your grief manifests itself in unexpected ways .
30 Labour committed itself to immediate acceptance of the Maastricht social charter , with implications for low pay and for women , and to meeting the UN 's target for aid as a percentage of GNP within five years .
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