Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] the effect " in BNC.

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1 Although the case concerned the effect of a multilateral treaty establishing an international regime for the regulation of the continental shelf , the Court rejected any notion of a comprehensive norm-creating role for the treaty .
2 This case concerned the effect of the Equal Treatment Directive ( 76/207/EEC ) .
3 In this context the question of jobs being created by West Belfast people themselves inevitably arose , but there was a general lack of hope given the effect of political vetting on community economic initiatives .
4 It will be seen that this technique has the effect of interchanging the rankings of the best and worst cases in Table 4.4 , emphasizing the importance of sticking to one method of analysis .
5 It will be seen that this technique has the effect of interchanging the rankings of the best and worst cases in Table 4.4 , emphasizing the importance of sticking to one method of analysis .
6 That this technique has the effect of mirroring the minds of the people is confirmed by the contrasts between two passages which describe Lok and Tuami when they are exhausted .
7 This technique has the effect of helping the doctor-salesperson relationship to develop and continue .
8 A saw cut in the end of each 1½ × ¾in ash runner has the effect of reducing the thickness of each piece to be bent , in effect allowing a laminated curve attached to a solid straight runner .
9 Nevertheless , this sentence has the effect of making the click come before the shutting , thus reversing the normal precedence of cause to effect .
10 Yet if his presence has the effect of spurring Hughes and the rest to play , then his arrival will be £1.2 million well spent .
11 There is , of course , the Bill of Rights 1689 but it is just as much subject to repeal , and has in fact been impliedly repealed more than once , as any other Act of Parliament , and in any case has the effect rather of strengthening the hand of Parliament , than of protecting the ordinary citizen against its excesses .
12 If this seems to be the cause , resolve in future to spot the effect in your camcorder viewfinder before you press the button so that you can take the necessary action to avoid the fault .
13 One critic described the effect as ‘ a curtain in constant movement ’ .
14 In it , we are told , ‘ the hero 's death or isolation has the effect of a spirit passing out of nature , and evokes a mood best described as elegiac ’ ; ‘ passing out of nature ’ is of course the main theme of hobbit-poetry .
15 Wind has the effect of moving rabbits out of those burrows that are fully exposed .
16 Paint , varnish , more varnish and a blow-drier hastened the effect and old brown shoe polish filled in the cracks .
17 In a study investigating the effect of a particular teaching method on speed of learning , many factors could be held constant if a laboratory experiment were conducted — the identity of the teacher , the way the material was introduced and so on ; a trial in real schools would be more realistic , but also more susceptible to the slings and arrows of fortune in the classroom .
18 Third - and this is true of any chamber music it takes only one indifferent member of an ensemble to weaken the effect of a whole performance .
19 The Case did not appear to play an important part in the process of decision making in the House of Lords during the period under review ( 1957 to 1973 ) in Alan Paterson 's book The Law Lords , which indicates that both counsel and the Law Lords in practice diminished the effect of the written Case in the arguing of the appeal ( Paterson , 1982 ) .
20 This study assessed the effect of antioxidant vitamin supplementation on colonic crypt cell proliferation in patients with adenomatous polyps of the colon .
21 In contrast with other vitamin supplementation studies , this study assessed the effect of single vitamin supplements only , the study was prospective with a control group , subjects with familial polyposis coli were excluded and subjects were sequentially assigned to each group .
22 This study assessed the effect of metronidazole on the gastroduodenal mucosa , intestinal permeability , blood loss , and inflammation in patients on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) .
23 He got a group of people to administer electric shocks to a group of victims in the belief that they were taking part in an experiment to study the effect of punishment on learning .
24 The order in which the techniques were presented to the subjects was varied , in a further attempt to reduce the effect of system unfamiliarity .
25 This study examined the effect of acute hyperglycaemia , induced by intravenous glucose , on gall bladder motility .
26 He agreed to take part in a Liverpool Polytechnic experiment to assess the effect of stress on referees , by monitoring the heartbeat and pulse , taking other factors such as fitness into account .
27 There are a few things you can do to make sure that when Animosity strikes the effect is minimal .
28 Wickham ( in press ) , in a study of teachers and children in the UK , shows the same problem of the ‘ drop-out ’ of information in teachers ' use of simultaneous communication , Maxwell ( 1983 ) , in a direct attempt to examine the effect of simultaneous communication using MCE on deaf children 's writing , produces the results one might predict from the above and from our preceding discussion of BSL .
29 Clear signs of public impatience with such political manoeuvres were emerging , however , as the canvassing of support by government and opposition had the effect of weakening party allegiance and increasing the level of corruption endemic within the country 's political system .
30 British Airways staff are fantastic , whatever class you travel , and plied Kenneth with enough booze to soften the effect of two Sun journalists who approached us for a story and picture after we 'd been airborne for about eight hours .
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