Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [art] greater " in BNC.

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1 However , the real point seems to be that the risk of an uninformed auditor 's being misled after a change imposes a greater cost than the benefit ( unquantified and intangible ) that a compulsory change would provide .
2 Further he comments that the male has the greater discretion of reason .
3 The reader might wonder why paper money has almost superseded the use of metal coins when even one coin has a greater value in metal than the largest banknote has as a piece of paper .
4 To date , the Oxfordshire scheme has at best only partially met its intention to promote a greater ( contractual ) accountability in schools .
5 Senior management capability has a greater impact .
6 For at least some Western observers Soviet action was not simply a violation of international agreements but an attempt to establish a greater degree of influence in the Persian Gulf , an area of enormous significance for Western oil supplies and one in which the Western position had already been weakened by the overthrow of the Shah of Iran .
7 The more that parents and industry provide the greater grows the temptation for government to provide less .
8 The Croatian leadership , however , denounced this as an attempt to create a Greater Serbia , and insisted that peacekeeping forces should be on the legal republican borders .
9 In much work that was to develop within the compass of physical geography , the chronology assumed a greater significance , it required a greater knowledge of existing and recently developed dating techniques , and it thus involved close liaison with other disciplines particularly geology , biology and archaeology amongst the broadening spectrum of the earth and environmental sciences .
10 The house was indeed of that later time , but in the style and materials which at first glance indicated a greater age .
11 It is as if we are at home with God , for his presence and his friendship become a greater reality for us as we grow to know him better .
12 This power station construction programme absorbed the greater part of their capital budgets , as well as a good deal of management time both at headquarters and in the divisions .
13 As we noted , Hanoverian wars had always , in the end , been financed by taxation ; the novelty of the French war years was the attempt to defray the greater part of their cost from present rather than deferred revenues .
14 Those not receiving insulin therapy had a greater prevalence ( 45.6 per cent ) than those on insulin ( 30.7 per cent ) ( P<0.001 ) , although this relationship was not found in blacks in whom the prevalence of hypertension was similar regardless of the type of diabetic therapy .
15 This is an attempt to bring a greater level of uniformity than we have achieved so far , but we are bound by agreements made at the time of amalgamation and we can not undermine or contradict those particular decisions , and that 's why in a few cases , particularly in relation to the size of conference , there is some slight imbalance .
16 In the other five companies , the planning department makes a greater use of online business information services than any other department .
17 It is being used in research to gain a greater understanding of the effects of radiation on biological tissue , including studies of radiation induced changes in bone marrow .
18 The mobile diabetic eye screening programme detected a greater prevalence of advanced retinopathy in diabetic patients living in rural areas .
19 Geophysical studies and Quaternary research have a greater than average chance of publication in the journal Nature , probably related to the paradigmatic nature of the former , and the human impact and immediacy of the latter .
20 Certainly there is no doubt of the strength of Catherine 's desire for a good press in Western Europe and of her sensitivity to criticism of any kind : vanity and amour propre played a greater role in her policies than in those of any other ruler of the period .
21 Only the shortest of memories will have forgotten how declining Western industries successfully sought tariff and quota protection to counter the greater efficiency of Far Eastern competitors .
22 When you live alone , money assumes a greater importance than if you share your life with someone .
23 Using four different methods , this chapter has demonstrated that the ‘ hidden ’ sector represents the greater part of Wirral 's heroin-using population , some two-thirds of the total .
24 Thus , while marriage was an experience common to women of all classes , there were substantial differences between middle and working class women in terms of first , their realistic expectations of marriage given the greater surplus of women amongst the middle class ( at least prior to World War I ) , second , their experiences of marriage breakdown , and third , their patterns of childbearing within marriage .
25 There is a complex interrelation of both systems and we can again distinguish different countries in which this dual function of law plays a greater or lesser role : the UK for example , without a written constitution , without a constitutional court , without a long tradition of legal science but with a multitude of extra-legal institutions and ideologies does not rely on legal ideology to the same extent as other countries , for example , West Germany and the USA .
26 Accordingly the older the child concerned the greater the weight the court should give to its wishes , certainly in the field of medical treatment .
27 Of the two , the tapas bar offers the greater choice to the weight- and health-conscious ; dishes usually include low-calorie grilled or marinated shrimp , mushrooms , squid , sardine bites , chicken wings , and tomato toasts .
28 " Power " , for example , is an ordinal attribute in which we might want to talk about individuals having " more " or " less " power than others and to reflect this in using the power of numbers to reflect " more " or " less " of some attribute in the same way that a higher number score on a test signifies a greater ability to do the test than a lower number .
29 More urban than its northern neighbour , Bury South has a greater proportion of council tenants .
30 We may conclude then that ‘ de-industrialization ’ is meaningful as a simple description of a relentless process in which the manufacturing sector suffers declining shares of total employment , inevitably leading to the service sector capturing a greater share , but that the process takes on a different pace and complexion in different countries and places .
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