Example sentences of "[unc] [pron] [verb] say " in BNC.

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1 but she said erm ever so kind of her but she said er she did say who she said there was a friend of hers somebody
2 it 's er she did say .
3 And er we did say that we would consult further about it , and erm you are one constituency , er which certainly you know , er as is your responsibility to think about the worship line of the church .
4 Well we were disappointed in the Good Report because er they did say it was one of the major issues , and yet they said that they did n't think any sweep in changes are needed which rather erm contradicted the earlier part of our report , we would have thought there were erm changes needed .
5 Well he sai he did say he was gon na come and see you about this money .
6 And I did s I did say through the village Harry so that we did n't er
7 Erm I did say we 'll just have a quick mention punctuation before we look at the maths .
8 Erm I did say at the time if the Council agreed it was we would approve the new application it would only be if the original was rescinded and I did speak to the Town Clerk so there 's no need , I 'm not making a big issue , but I think the Council should be aware and the Town Clerk I believe has notified because again this is one of those things that could happen at a later date and as we all know if we have n't made these things perfectly clear .
9 Erm he does say in the course that residential is better because i it does tend to be a very intensive erm course .
10 Fair enough he may have had a very good reason for doing so but I thought that that would have been a typical apack erm he did say well you know I just want to run it by him , you know , just to make sure but you , you still needed to know why he thought that his accountant had to be involved .
11 We did get through some pretty hot language , erm he did say that this would destroy the tripartite system and he quoted me and said that I said it was a system which was the end of the world .
12 So , I mean these are the supporters that they , they 've got to sort of focus on erm even i he does say that some of the erm er leaders of the associations are n't actually up to scratch but he says eighty five percent of them are and it would be wrong to attack or to arrest , you know , the other fifteen percent and it 's got to come from their own discipline of the association , you let the movement grow together , do n't try and er become er , you know , resisting forces because er these are the people who we 've got to erm s stay with and to look after , to harness erm to work for and er so that 's basically , is his conclusion .
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