Example sentences of "[be] bought at the " in BNC.

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1 Specificity and detail are bought at the cost of ease of understanding and speed of completion .
2 The trouble with firms is that ‘ team ’ production gains are bought at the cost of opportunities to ‘ shirk ’ .
3 The man 's brown tricorne hat had come from neither the French nor the British army , but had been bought at the market in the Norman town of Caen .
4 The agreements with the United States had been bought at the cost of disproportionate cuts in Soviet weaponry and were clearly dictated by the need to reduce military spending , a much heavier relative burden for the USSR than for the United States .
5 The term covers such a wide array of diverse explanations that the survival might have been bought at the cost of radical change to its empirical and normative content .
6 And that support had been bought at the cost of considerably increasing the budget .
7 Today 's profit has been bought at the cost of tens of thousands of pay-packets .
8 The undoubted benefits of the greater mathematical rigour which these models incorporate may have been bought at the cost of a loss of perspective on the world ‘ out there ’ .
9 MV Oh , pornography can already be bought at the news stands .
10 Given that snail longevity has to be bought at the cost of some loss in the snail 's reproductive success , the fluke genes are ‘ happy ’ to make the snail pay that cost , since they have no interest in the snail 's reproducing itself .
11 Any remaining tickets can be bought at the door on the night of the demonstration .
12 He told Aenarion that he would be accursed if he drew the weapon , that such power was too great for any mortal being , and it could only be bought at the price of Aenarion 's immortal soul .
13 And of course , there are apples to be bought at the farm gate and cider from the press to carry away as a reminder of the time spent in the Marcle Ridge .
14 The little volume , which deals with cooking out of doors for motorists , cyclists , campers , walkers , and fishermen has never been translated into English and would n't be of much practical use to us if it were , because the majority of the recipes are based on the products to be bought at the " village charcutier " , an institution which does n't exist in the British Isles .
15 Tickets can be bought at the Richmond Centre in Derry .
16 Expansionary monetary and fiscal policies could only be bought at the expense of higher inflation rates .
17 It appeared that the extraction could still be used and would be bought at the same price for compounding into cattle food , but not for compounding into poultry food .
18 But if , indeed , higher returns on retirement can be bought at the expense of derisory returns on death , how is it that terminal bonuses play such an important part in the ultimate returns .
19 With Britain 's security in its greatest peril , American support was bought at the price of much of Britain 's long-developed overseas economic power .
20 The home happiness , refinement and sheltered grace of middle-class women , she insisted , was bought at the price of other women 's toil and suffering .
21 This modest success was bought at the expense of mounting employee grievances .
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