Example sentences of "[be] released from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 People also seem to get this impression that if you 're released from prison the first thing you want is sex .
2 But I was thankful when the summer holiday started and I could be released from duties I was finding it harder and harder to cope with .
3 ‘ Higher staffing levels to enable staff to be released from duties more often ’ …
4 It 's unlikely Ron will ever be released from Broadmoor .
5 If however , the mortgagee is prepared to rely on the wife 's covenant , the husband can be released from liability by the mortgagee , with the wife alone remaining liable .
6 An estimated 200 people were to be released from detention immediately .
7 One skipper who sought to reduce the carnage discovered that trapped dolphins could be released from nets by the use of a manoeuvre which came to be known as ‘ backdown . ’
8 Magistrates at Bootle decided that the dog should be released from RSPCA kennels and returned to her owners in Lydiate , Merseyside , despite the fact that she had been found wandering outside her home without a muzzle .
9 Hamilton , who will be released from admin duties to work closer with coach Dave Philpotts on the training field , says : ‘ That suits me fine .
10 ‘ They can then be released from Whitely and monitored on our electronic equipment here .
11 Chemicals may be released from materials in buildings or furnishings .
12 Despite being arrested thirty-five times — once after allegedly taking part in this high-speed chase across three counties — he 's always had to be released from police cells after being granted bail .
13 LESTER Piggott is to be released from hospital tomorrow , a day before his 57th birthday .
14 Whenever he spoke to the woman he regretted that he had not stamped his authority and demanded that Gwen should be released from Leconfield and transferred with him , but they had said in Century 's personnel that he must have a secretary who knew the ropes of the Service , and he had acquiesced .
15 prisoners whose character and record render them suitable … should be released from prison earlier than they are at present .
16 It is accepted procedure that an imprisoned contemnor can apply to the first instance court to purge his contempt and be released from prison .
17 The Home Office has ordered an urgent review into the case of a convicted child molester due to be released from prison next month .
18 The chart shows how much plutonium and HEU might be released from warheads if the INF and START disarmament treaties are implemented .
19 The lowering of pH in fact causes aluminium to be released from clays ( in which it abounds ) , and this causes the fish 's gills to produce mucus , which reduces their ability to absorb oxygen .
20 I can see nothing in principle to prevent a contemnor applying to the first instance court to be released from custody on the ground that the failure to serve him with the committal order has kept him in ignorance of the contempts for which he has been imprisoned and that , in the circumstances , justice requires his release .
21 It would , in my opinion , in many ways be more logical for an application to be released from custody on the ground of non-service or delayed service of a committal notice to be made to a first instance judge rather than direct to this court .
22 It was also announced on April 18 that some 108 persons arrested or imprisoned for their part in the 1990 demonstrations would be released from custody .
23 There was a reasonable chance that he might be released from St Elizabeth 's : Eliot himself suggested a private sanatorium , to be followed by a retreat in California or New Mexico .
24 Unless the pressure is reduced very gradually , the nitrogen cam be released from solution as small bubbles , which can lodge in joints , causing severe pain , or in vital blood vessels , causing paralysis or death .
25 The council of nine ceased to be active , Latimer and Lyons were released from imprisonment and Alice Perrers was reinstated at court .
26 Bernard Strydom and Robert McBride were released from life terms under a deal to restart political talks .
27 The bulk of the Prussian peasants were released from service in the years 1811–50 .
28 Col. Thaabe Letsie and Col. Aloysius Kethang Mosoeunyane , who had been arrested on Feb. 19 , 1990 , and expelled from the Military Council and dismissed from the Army , were released from detention in Maseru in early March .
29 Every one of those surveyed had a class , though some were released from part of their teaching duties to undertake other activities .
30 Ten Kurds who had been in detention were released from Haslar yesterday with permission to stay while their applications for political asylum are processed .
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