Example sentences of "[be] defined as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Multimedia used to be defined as a fancy slide show that you sat and watched .
2 A straight line can be defined as a curve of infinite or very large radius .
3 Now if we look at the first of these in terms of structure we can see that it can be defined as a dramatic exercise , fulfilling the principal requisite of exercise as outlined in Chapter Three — a commitment to a short-term task .
4 Recreational reading can be defined as a pastime by which the reader fills in time pleasantly .
5 First , ‘ boy labour ’ came to be defined as a problem which , together with the ‘ discovery ’ of adolescence , meant that working-class youth attained a hitherto unknown pre-eminence among social theorists and reformers .
6 For example , the Church of Scientology has fought in the courts of Australia to be defined as a religion in order to be able to claim tax-exemption , while The Science of Creative Intelligence ( Transcendental Meditation ) has fought in the courts of the United States to be not given religious status so that it can be taught in the public ( State ) schools — a practice denied to religious organisations by the First Amendment of the United States ' Constitution .
7 A graphical subsystem enables the import of close-up pictures of a device and its sub-elements that can be defined as a mouse-sensitive area .
8 So far as assistance to grandchildren in adult life is concerned , the American evidence suggests that grandparents do assist financially and that they define this assistance as a gift , unlike financial support between the other two generations which is more likely to be defined as a loan , or as part of an exchange ( Hill , 1970 , pp. 69–70 ) .
9 This can be defined as a state of circulatory collapse which leads to low arterial blood pressure and oxygen shortage in the tissues .
10 Sleep can be defined as a period of reduced consciousness usually occurring at night , during which most body functions are slow or inactive .
11 For our purposes , a " text " can happily be defined as a fairly short extract .
12 The professional , however , can be defined as a person who practises theory or theoretizes practice ; indeed , the very concept of professional expertise implies both knowledge and use .
13 It may be defined as a constitutive process for the development of some subject in and through the medium of culture , which is the form taken by all social productions .
14 Once arrested , a youth , for instance , is more likely to be defined as a juvenile delinquent if his manner is interpreted as aggressive and uncooperative , if his appearance is seen as unconventional or slovenly , if his speech is defined as ungrammatical or slang and if his posture gives the impression of disrespect for authority or arrogance .
15 Thus the jive-talking black American youth from the inner city ghetto with his cool , arrogant manner and colourful clothes is more likely to be defined as a delinquent than the white ‘ all-American girl ’ from the tree-lined suburbs .
16 Held , that , since in Part III of the Insolvency Act 1986 there was no definition of ‘ company ’ in relation to administrative receivers , by virtue of section 251 of that Act the definition in section 735 of the Companies Act 1985 applied and , therefore , unless the contrary intention appeared , ‘ company ’ was to be defined as a company registered under the Companies Acts ; but that a contrary intention was to be deduced from the proper construction of the provisions relating to administrative receivers generally and the Act of 1986 as a whole , whereby it appeared that Parliament intended that ‘ company , ’ in the context of section 29(2) ( a ) , should not be confined to the prima facie meaning of companies registered under the Companies Acts but should embrace unregistered companies liable to be wound up under Part V of the Act of 1986 ; and that , accordingly , the applicants were administrative receivers within the meaning of section 29(2) ( post , pp. 243F–G , 244A–C , D–G , 245F — 246A ) .
17 But the general result , for all its great unevenness between writers , was a specific kind of social relationship which can be defined as a form of professional independence within integrated and dominant market relations .
18 The equations of general relativity , which relate the curvature of space-time with the distribution of mass and energy , can not be defined as a singularity .
19 a budget may be defined as a quantitative and financial plan of the activity to be pursued during the financial year to achieve that year 's objectives .
20 A social class may be defined as a psychological-social grouping , within which social , economic , educational and political interests tend to coincide .
21 It can be defined as a lack of bus stations .
22 Pluralism can be defined as a system of interest representation in which the constituent units are organised into an unspecified number of multiple , voluntary , competitive , nonhierarchically ordered and self-determined ( as to type or scope of interest ) categories which are not specially licensed , recognised , subsidised , created or otherwise controlled in leadership selection or interest articulation by the state and which do not exercise a monopoly of representational activity within their respective categories .
23 Corporatism can be defined as a system of interest representation in which the constituent units are organised into a limited number of singular , compulsory , noncompetitive , hierarchically ordered and functionally differentiated categories , recognised or licensed ( if not created ) by the state and granted a deliberate representational monopoly within their respective categories in exchange for observing certain controls on their selection of leaders and articulation of demands and supports .
24 In that case it should no longer be defined as a ‘ dog ’ .
25 Public relations , she sometimes thought , could be defined as a series of crises created by other people .
26 As a further stage , Major proposed the creation of a new " hard ecu " whereby the ECU would no longer be defined as a basket of currencies but would become a genuine international currency in its own right ; managed by the EMF , the hard ecu would ( inside the ERM ) stay within its margins and at realignments would never devalue against other EC currencies .
27 An assignment may be defined as a mini project or as any problem solving exercise with clear guidelines and of specified length .
28 Creep can be defined as a progressive increase in strain , observed over an extended time period , in a polymer subjected to a constant stress .
29 ‘ Module-details ’ has to be defined as a set of atomic attributes , not as a group item , thus it has to be broken down into its constituents of ‘ module-name ’ , ‘ status ’ and ‘ unit-points ’ :
30 Thus a set type can be defined as a named relationship between record types .
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