Example sentences of "[be] intended for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These settings must have been intended for private use since Calvin objected to polyphony in church , but when the Lutherans adopted them , using Ambrosius Lobwasser 's translation of Marot-de Beze ( Leipzig , 1573 ) , their congregations undoubtedly sang the tunes .
2 ( b ) The property must have been intended for private use , occupation or consumption .
3 The toffee , too , had been intended for another .
4 The card had really been intended for those regularly bought by a mad old lady to be laid beside the bust of Karl Marx in his local cemetery .
5 Viking is way behind schedule : it had been intended for this quarter , but StorageTek said that based on the present status of the product and schedule estimates it expects IBM-compatible products based on Viking architecture to be available in the second half of 1994 .
6 That system had been intended for some time .
7 The Articles shown in this catalogue are intended for all to show their support for the ANC 's principled stand against Apartheid and for a new unitary democratic non-racial South Africa .
8 If we are intended for great ends , we are called to great hazards ; and , whereas we are given absolute certainty in nothing , we must in all things choose between doubt and inactivity , and the conviction that we are under the eye of One who , for whatever reason , exercises us with the less evidence when He might give us the greater .
9 Language comes alive when our creative writings are intended for real readers , genuinely interested in what we have to say , responding in speech or writing to our failures and successes , and this is just as important for young children as for students in higher education .
10 Since the Short Courses are intended for such an age group it is appropriate to consider the following :
11 As with Building Regulations , changes in the Wiring Regulations are not retrospective and are intended for new installations , but substantial additions or alterations to a house 's wiring may mean making changes to an existing installation .
12 The options under this index allow the manipulation of ‘ products ’ , packages of software which are intended for internal or external release to a ‘ client ’ .
13 The former are intended for large areas , the latter for corridors and stairs .
14 They are intended for those who like to probe into the whys and wherefores of things or who like to assess fully the credentials of a subject before they give it serious consideration .
15 Advanced Diplomas are intended for those who already have an HND or equivalent in the same discipline .
16 Being intended for private use , the test aircraft had normal hinged doors rather than the sliding option and sat rather rakishly on low skids .
17 But he specified later that the Five-Power Defence Arrangements , involving Malaysia , Singapore , the United Kingdom , Australia and New Zealand , which had been formalised in London in April 1970 were ‘ in no way incompatible with our neutralisation proposal or our non-aligned policy ’ since the Arrangements were intended for current defence needs and were entirely defensive in nature , whereas the neutralisation was a ‘ long-term solution ’ .
18 Only in 1914 were Indonesians admitted to schools where the medium was Dutch ( these were intended for Dutch and Eurasian students ) .
19 The double-axe was an everyday implement , and yet the great majority of those that survive were intended for ritual use ; some were made of very thin sheet bronze , some were very large , some were very small , some were made of lead or of soft stone .
20 The location of the airfields was not logical if they were intended for defensive purposes .
21 A curving drive amongst trees leads up to the side of the lake and continues thence along the edge of the water in beautiful surroundings richly endowed with lovely trees planted by the Farrers in the days long ago when woodlands were intended for ornamental display and were allowed to develop to full maturity with no thought of slaughtering them for profit .
22 The Fiji police believed that the arms , seized by Australian customs officials in Sydney , were intended for disaffected Fijian Indians [ see also p. 36700 ] .
23 We was in a two-bedroomed erm council flat but they were intended for old age pensioners like you know .
24 Standing in the Townley Room and looking through to the sculptures displayed next door ( Room 83 ) , most of which were intended for public display , one is well aware of the reduced scale and decorative qualities sought by the private collector who wined and dined amidst his collection .
25 It 's intended for low-end machines and multiprocessors .
26 Text c is intended for specific addressees , not for the general public , and it is hard for the general public to interpret without access to shared presuppositions and previous experience which can not comfortably be forced into the framework proposed by Lewis .
27 Professional designers will come out with all sorts of advice but as this is intended for normal people I 'll suggest that you just go with what looks right to you .
28 The master bedroom at ‘ La Felicità ’ is intended for regular sexual intercourse .
29 The SO17 is octagonal , with a capacity of about 17cu ft , and is intended for bigger gardens .
30 This version is intended for continuous play and is most suitable for entertainment viewing .
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