Example sentences of "[be] regarded as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Both accepted what might have been regarded as a rather dubious honour .
2 This was not , of course , just a Protestant response , although it benefited the Protestants that the great Catholic powers of France and Spain should tear one another apart ; their temporary truce in 1556 had been regarded as a significant reversal to the cause of reform , and when the war was renewed one of the leading English preachers , Christopher Goodman , was to urge the English not to fight for Spain , just as Knox urged the Scots not to fight for France .
3 For 200 years City offices have been regarded as a near certain store of value .
4 But generally these researches have been regarded as a branch of historical studies , suitably only for professed historians .
5 Often , however , the facilities provided for them have been lamentable , not merely basic but squalid — safety and comfort has not been regarded as a priority — a prevailing stench of stewed onions — in stark contrast to the different world , only yards away , in the board room and the lucrative executive boxes . ’
6 Sharing the problem at once halves it , reduces the feeling of victimisation , and helps to establish the larger dimensions of what had previously been regarded as a local problem .
7 Although they are commonest in rocks of the Late Palaeozoic , some Mesozoic plants have been regarded as a later branch of the seed ferns .
8 The University of San Carlos has long been regarded as a hotbed of opposition , and the list of those imprisoned , tortured and murdered is long , even since 1986 .
9 This latter has been discussed by Cater ( 1987 ) who states that ‘ … the development of tourism has been regarded as a panacea for the economic malaise of many of the least developed countries ( LDCs ) faced with a narrow resource base and serious balance of payment difficulties ’ .
10 Thus , persistent gambling or the squandering of large sums of money upon it has been regarded as a sin .
11 For some departments in local councils , the Urban Programme has been regarded as a way in which capital schemes cut from other mainstream budgets might be reinstated .
12 The affair had been regarded as a tragic accident , and Fedorov severely censured for negligence .
13 IT HAS always been regarded as a guilty but harmless secret shared by thousands of women .
14 Since the enactment of s 459 1985 , it has been regarded as a better remedy for a minority affected by prejudice in a company to ask for a share purchase order under s 461 rather than to seek a return of share capital through a winding-up petition which results in the liquidation of a solvent company ( a member can not petition under s 122(1) ( g ) if the company is insolvent because he has no interest ) .
15 Metal whiskers of this kind had been known of , in a general sort of way , for a long time but had been regarded as a nuisance or a curiosity .
16 Mrs Clinton , the new First Lady , has supported the magazine since it was founded in the United States in 1972 , where it has been regarded as a valuable weapon in the campaign for women 's liberation .
17 The trial of his killers has been regarded as a test of the political will of the authorities to put an end to the climate of impunity prevalent in the rural areas of Brazil , where scores of peasants and their leaders have been killed by hired gunmen .
18 Until now , the six year-old Kontrax Group had been regarded as a Hungarian success story .
19 Admittedly , a No from the Bosnian Serbs should not be considered as an unequivocal , irreversible rejection of the peace plan , any more than a Yes should have been regarded as a wholehearted acceptance of it .
20 It is smaller and cooler than the Sun , but is not too unlike it , and has often been regarded as a possible planetary centre .
21 What I am most conscious of is that I have been regarded as a controversial figure : until the age of sixty I was seen either as a subversive or as an enfant terrible .
22 The research focus shifted to the role of the message in referential communication , and also to listeners who had hitherto been regarded as a somewhat passive element .
23 Given the apparent sexist bias of much humanities and social science teaching , it seems odd that it is in these subjects that women are numerous ; it is the absence of women in physical science and engineering that has generally been regarded as a ‘ problem ’ .
24 The British countryside has long been regarded as a source of out-migration and a pool of reserve labour for urban areas .
25 Marxism has sometimes been regarded as a positivist approach since it can be argued that it sees human behaviour as a reaction to the stimulus of the economic infrastructure .
26 Her life had not been particularly adventurous and at school , where her friend Rosie Fortinbras courted adventure , she had been regarded as a dull girl and a plodding worker .
27 A lifelong supporter , I have always been regarded as a tactical genius by the Duck and Forceps regulars and , from day one , my appointment has brought renewed hope to the terraces .
28 In Britain , with its strong two-party system , a government defeat on a vote of confidence has long been regarded as a theoretical possibility rather than practical politics .
29 Second , income tax has long been regarded as a tax of central importance in government management of the economy ; it is a major financial and psychological weapon in securing the success of the Cabinet 's economic strategy .
30 The following have in the past been regarded as a natural user of land ; water installations in a house or flat , a fire in a domestic grate , burning stubble in the normal course of agriculture , electric wiring and gas pipes in a house or shop , the ordinary working of mines and minerals on land , erecting or pulling down houses or walls , trees whether planted or self-sown ( if not poisonous ) .
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