Example sentences of "[be] met [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 He takes her to live in the Valley of Paradise , where all her desires are met except one , which is to see the face of her husband .
2 We are met by one of the directors of the firm who takes us to a showroom for coffee .
3 I.e. you are met by one or two leading comrades of the commune and taken into a biggish reception room with tables , cigarettes and cups of tea ( these are big cups with lids , in which the tea is brewed — and girls in pigtails normally come round and replenish your cup with hot water from time to time ) .
4 In Nancy Cruzan 's case the original court became satisfied that this standard had been met after three of her friends testified that , prior to the accident , Nancy had expressed the wish never to live " like a vegetable " .
5 This danger may be met in two ways .
6 The sale price is to be met in three ways .
7 The key criteria are that a person has a range of needs that can not be met by one agency alone and his or her ability to live independently is in jeopardy .
8 There he emerged from his battle bus , inscribed with the logo ‘ John Major The Best Future for Britain , ’ to be met by hundreds of shoppers , schoolchildren and pressmen .
9 It has , of course , many other characteristics , of which companionship and mutual support is an important one , but the characteristics which distinguish it from all other relationships can only be met by two persons of the opposite sex .
10 He said the cost of building on the site would be met by Two Castles Housing Association .
11 Wiltshire County Councillors arrived to be met by three groups of protestors waving placards .
12 They were met by two uniformed officers , Pope and Knight , and then whisked off to Valpy Street where Chief Constable Thomas Burrows outlined the case .
13 Lydia and Betty were the first to arrive and were met by two of the farm dogs — one charming , one not , like pairs of detective inspectors .
14 The demand was met in 1928 by the opening at the Edinburgh Dock of a new reinforced concrete building with silo capacity for a further 16,000 tons .
15 And when I was when I got to New York , I was met by two first cousins from two different families er Bert who 's er er nephew of my my mother 's sister Laura Anne in in New York , and another one , William who 'd been very successful vice president of or something .
16 In Stockholm he was met by two men , and driven to a quiet house in the suburbs .
17 I was met by two organizers of the institute , and , who took me by car to Campinas which is not far away .
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