Example sentences of "[be] described as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hora e sempre — this motto is inscribed on the front of Hawksmoor 's , the real Hawksmoor 's , Classical house at Easton Neston in Northamptonshire : Easton Neston has been reputed or imagined to be the original of Mansfield Park , which may be described as a house imagined by an opponent of the Gothic novel .
2 Indeed for those insiders living in Cheater 's metaphorical front room — such as in the police — the need to obscure and seek a degree of anonymity from the analytic gaze can be described as a major principle in the preservation of power , ranking highly in the structures of significance .
3 I now see that between 1958 and 1977 I was involved in what might well be described as a social drama of movement , often crossing boundaries into very marginal areas of policing , where the institutional ideal of ordered definition fails simply because the ‘ use of power and exercise of authority are based in ambiguity and particular interpretations of [ what is often ] poorly framed legislation ’ ( Burton 1980 ) .
4 The following features of a statutory redundancy payment emerged : ( 1 ) The obligation was imposed on the employer ; ( 2 ) It only arose on dismissal and might never arise if an employee worked until retirement , whether voluntary — early retirement — or at an agreed date , each of which was based on contract ; ( 3 ) It only arose if certain preconditions were proved ; ( 4 ) It applied to all employees who had worked for at least two years with an employer ; ( 5 ) Certain classes of employee were excluded , eg redundant employees refusing suitable alternative employment ; employees under a fixed-term contract of two years or more , who had renounced their redundancy rights in writing ; ( 6 ) A voluntary redundancy could be under a contractual statutory scheme , and under such a contractual scheme it was often the equivalent of early retirement by agreement ; ( 7 ) In no way could a redundancy payment be described as a deferred emolument or pay ; it was a monetary compensation for the disappearance of a job .
5 Stock buffo characters Marcellina and Bartolo ( Ann Howard and David Gwynne ) added lightness and comedy to what could be described as a serious interpretation of The Marriage of Figaro , not as effervescent as some would have liked but thoroughly convincing just the same — and one in which the complex ensemble were particularly memorable .
6 He is , indeed , entitled to be described as a great player , Britain 's nonpareil of the 1980s , who was eventually recognised as such by even the hardened doubters in Australia after his summer with Balmain in 1988 .
7 Mr Bézier saw that a shape — any shape — could be described as a set of mathematical equations to fit the series of curves which formed its outline .
8 Ma Bell can hardly be described as a raider set on rape and pillage .
9 For the first and almost the only time in the Second World War , there was what can fairly be described as a generally pervading popular ‘ war mood ’ , disdaining any premature and presumed over-generous peace with Britain , and even somewhat disappointed with Hitler 's new and ‘ final ’ peace offer of 19 July , aimed at assuaging world opinion .
10 At Love Field , a tin-pot airport outside Dallas , very late one night , he made what can only be described as a solicitation by prayer .
11 If he could hardly be described as a democrat , he certainly helped establish the parliamentary control and party politics which paved the way for democracy .
12 Chiswick — including Little Sutton and Strand-on-the-Green — could then be described as a pleasant village contained within a ‘ U ’ shaped bend of the River Thames , just off the western edge of London .
13 I am running a 1986 V8 County 90 which at 25,000 miles has no more than normal backlash in the transmission line , yet a most irritating noise has developed which can only be described as a clunk that occurs whenever I apply or lift off the throttle in any gear .
14 I 'm not sure that he would like to be described as a contacting Peter Hobson at Windyridge , Donington on Bain , Lincolnshire ( telephone : 0507 84737 ; fax : 0507 84393 ) as he dismantles fairly new vehicles .
15 But given that many conceptions of the good do not fit into the individualistic pattern , how can this be described as a fair choice situation for principles of justice ? ( p. 10 )
16 Now however she was standing , part of what might be described as a lively merry family scene , upon the landing , watching the descent of the divan bed from the second floor .
17 For a text to be described as a nouveau roman it had to exhibit self-reflexive and metafictional features as well as foreground the exploration of the semantic and phonetic properties of language .
18 In practice , the new narrative is based in large part on what might be described as a broader concept of realism , one which takes account of the complex , multifaceted nature of reality .
19 It might be described as a simplified mepacrine , although it belonged to a substantially different chemical class .
20 The Full Moon in your own birth sign on the 14th should certainly be an eye-opener for what can only be described as a partnership or marital affairs — and yet out of all this turmoil will come a new kind of happiness , serenity and security .
21 This is probably the last of what can be described as a traditional Farnborough year , although many of the old faces were disappearing , many new faces were emerging too .
22 The tort might be described as a species of private nuisance , namely unreasonable interference with the victim 's rights to use the highway .
23 This undramatic release of large volumes of lava , would , if one had to give it a name , probably best be described as a Hawaiian-type eruption .
24 WHERNSIDE RISES to 2419 feet above the sea and is the highest , largest and least attractive of the Three Peaks ; indeed , unlike the other two , this great hill hardly deserves to be described as a peak , its smooth , bland outline nowhere suggesting a steep angular summit .
25 Steers and heifers make good beef and the conformation could be described as a dairy type with extra flesh .
26 Perhaps it can best be described as a feeling of being ‘ earthed ’ .
27 Neither of them could be described as a sobering influence .
28 The Ratepayers ' Magazine could be described as a local ‘ Private Eye ’ .
29 The paint was brushed on , rubbed down , another coat , another rub , until perhaps ten or twelve coats had been applied to give what can only be described as a wonderful finish .
30 A seven-year-old lovable imp turned overnight into what can only be described as a ‘ demon ’ .
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