Example sentences of "[be] provided for [det] " in BNC.

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1 They are supervised in the early days , encouraged to speak up at meetings , and they also attend training programmes which are provided for all the care assistants .
2 Individual aircraft histories are provided for all production Hornets and Sea Hornets , along with chapters on Hornet trials at the A & AEE Boscombe Down , the type 's conversion into the Sea Hornet , service with the Far East Air Force , along with sections on RAF Training and Support Units and Royal Navy Second Line Squadrons and Support Units .
3 In most cases , additional more specialized tagsets are provided for those wishing to encode aspects of these features in more detail ( see further section 9.4. below ) , but the elements defined in this core are believed to be adequate for most applications most of the time .
4 This is now compulsory in many public areas , and special disposal bins are provided for this purpose .
5 They had been provided for many years by the YWCA , and other urban based and normally middle class-run charitable societies dispensing relief and assistance .
6 Because income support was introduced at a time when there would otherwise have been an increase in supplementary benefits , and because transitional protection has been provided for some groups of claimants who have been transferred to income support , the Government claims that relatively few people suffered an actual cut in benefit in April 1988 .
7 A social wage had been provided for those unable for whatever reason to earn , or those whose earning capacity had been interrupted by illness , injury , and unemployment .
8 The question takes for granted that there is no ‘ divine ’ source from which a ready-made human conscience will be provided for each new-born child .
9 If there is more than one speaker , a separate microphone should be provided for each .
10 A unique notational symbol should be provided for each individual subject , whether it be simple or complex .
11 Is my hon. Friend saying that an alternative method of crossing should be provided for each and every one ?
12 The guiding principle for the Government , she said , was that health care should be provided for all regardless of ability to pay : ‘ Let me make one thing absolutely clear .
13 Elementary education was to be provided for all children in England and Wales ; now did the village want a new church school , or would it prefer a board school , one which would be secular and undenominational ?
14 7 Accommodation of good standing will be provided for all days the Artist is required .
15 The ‘ Teaching Office is not above the word of God , but serves it ’ ( Dei Verbum 10 ) , ‘ Easy access to Sacred Scripture should be provided for all the Christian faithful ’ ( Dei Verbum 22 ) .
16 I do not think that a defined solution can be provided for all cases .
17 The Mental Health Act Commission found in 1987 that the requirements of section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983 , which made after-care for those compulsorily detained the joint responsibility of health and social services , were not consistently fulfilled ( Secretary of State for Social Services , 1987 ) , while section 7 of the Disabled Persons Act 1986 , which required after-care to be provided for all those who had been in hospital for more than six months , was never implemented .
18 School meals were to be provided for all children who wanted them ( an obligation on LEAs removed by the 1980 Education Act ) .
19 As with all aspects of the Advanced Courses Development Programme , SCOTVEC welcomes suggestions for the improvement of the catalogue and hopes that feedback from centres will help to determine the most useful way in which the necessary information can be provided for all users in the future .
20 Mubarak appealed the same day for calm and promised that new accommodation would be provided for all homeless victims within six weeks .
21 Draincocks must be provided for both circuits .
22 But an option in it might be provided for those who were curious about what English poetry was like before , so to speak , it became English .
23 The pedant , persistent as ever , could insist that Pulex irritans is the proper term for a flea and it therefore ought to be provided for those who understand it .
24 It was half-heartedly applied in many districts and this was effectively sanctioned by the obvious lack of government enthusiasm ; it suffered from cumbersome and inexpert administration worsened by a shortage of full-time paid officials ; from reliance on uncertain voluntary funding and , above all , from its central assumption that work could by these means be provided for those in need .
25 Marginal plants can benefit considerably from this treatment , but it should not be provided for those of a rampant nature .
26 Will he assure the House that the necessary funds to enable the TECs to undertake the additional responsibilities that he announced will be provided for those excellent bodies ?
27 That is to say , bodies should continue to submit applications one month prior to the end of their respective financial years , but grant aid will not be provided for any governing body which submits its application more than three months after the required date .
28 This may restrict the set of operations that can be provided for some or all of the data.types ; it also makes it easy for the programmer to use an instruction on an operand with the wrong format , although assemble-time checks may help to reduce the number of errors of this sort .
29 Again 5 Star Maxplan and 4 Star cover should not be provided for this type of risk .
30 The big show-piece cinemas were built to pull in the fashionable trade but they were not designed for the exclusive use of a social elite ; rather they were provided for all those groups who were prepared to pay money for the movie entertainment that was being provided as part of the delights offered by the down-town city .
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