Example sentences of "[be] brought to [art] " in BNC.

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1 If they 're brought to a cold climate too young , that is .
2 The Grand National had been brought to a halt .
3 For most of the post-war period the economy has been brought to a ‘ stop ’ every two or three years and managers have had to lay men off .
4 Once goods had been brought to a European port , they could be re-exported at a higher price to other European countries that had no direct trade across the sea , so a good many of the calculations about trade were concerned with re-exporting goods which had not been processed into an improved form but were simply being sent to a place where they commanded some additional scarcity value .
5 The speciality of Saint-Sauveur is gynaecological complaints , and it is known as ‘ the ladies ’ resort' , having been brought to a modest celebrity by the two-month stay here in 1859 of the Imperial couple , Napoleon and Eugénie .
6 Given that previous periods of rapid growth had been brought to a halt in the face of escalating deficits on the balance of payments , largely because of the high marginal propensity to import manufactured goods , the improvement of the balance of payments figured prominently in the plan .
7 It would be an illogical result , I think , if the paragraph gave a protection to a widow which the court had expressly taken away from her deceased husband , on whose tenancy she relies , that tenancy having been brought to a suspended end by the order for possession .
8 Before the general election the Welsh Affairs Select Committee began an investigation into this subject , but it has been brought to a halt by the failure , so far , to reform the committee .
9 ( 2 ) Proceedings on the Bill at a sitting of the Standing Committee on the said 5th December may continue until Eight o'clock , whether or not the House is adjourned before that time , and if the House is adjourned before those proceedings have been brought to a conclusion the Standing Committee shall report the Bill to the House on 6th December .
10 ( 1 ) At a sitting of the Standing Committee at which any proceedings on the Bill are to be brought to a conclusion under this Order the Chairman shall not adjourn the Committee under any Order relating to the sittings of the Committee until the proceedings have been brought to a conclusion .
11 ( 1 ) For the purpose of bringing to a conclusion any proceedings which are to be brought to a conclusion at a time appointed by this Order and which have not previously been brought to a conclusion , the Chairman or Mr. Speaker shall forthwith put the following Questions ( but no others ) —
12 The restructuring of the UK Refining and Chemicals businesses was the most extensive of all the rationalisation remits , but has now been brought to a successful conclusion .
13 At this time , too , he carefully examined and brilliantly settled the old quarrel concerning the metropolitan church of Britanny between Tours and Dol , which although it had been judged many times by his predecessors would never have been brought to a final settlement but for him .
14 The debate has been brought to a head by the development of an efficient fly trap by a group of British-led scientists in Zimbabwe .
15 The issue has been brought to a head by disarmament treaties , ageing vessels and a shortage of money , according to Alexei Yablokov , Yeltsin 's environmental adviser , who chaired the commission .
16 We like to think that the arrangement of books has been brought to a fine art , so it was good to hear the verdict of Evening News reporter Bob Watt that there was ‘ bookshop tranquillity ’ and that you could ‘ feel the order . ’
17 ‘ To my mind , it is a virtual certainty that the partnership 's operations would have been brought to an end , in one way or another , within a relatively short time after …
18 Some argued that the case had been brought to an early end as there was little chance of the prosecution being successful , others suggesting that the case had in all but final verdict already been won .
19 The Wars of the Roses had been brought to an end by the victory of Henry VII , and his dynasty was to last until 1603 .
20 She sang very seldom during these years — an occasional Butterfly or Violetta and at the end of the war a superb Fiordiligi in Cosi fan tutte — and considered her repertory career to have been brought to an early end .
21 Indeed the same evidence has been tendered , the same facts had been brought to the attention of the same Committee in 1972 ; but the Committee had reported to Parliament in the opposite sense , stating the opposite to the evidence they had actually received from those who were competent to tender it .
22 A current example on the summits of the Carneddau mountains in Snowdonia has been brought to the attention of WOAD by NCC , the National Trust and the Park Authority who consider that heavy grazing levels on this registered common are a major cause of worsening erosion .
23 Before investigating a complaint , the commissioner must be satisfied that the complaint has been brought to the notice of the authority , and that the authority has been given a reasonable opportunity to investigate and reply to it .
24 However , as it was not on the list submitted to Angell and Pownall for examination , his design was probably never tested for its practicality or compliance with the conditions , and must have been brought to the lay judges ' attention after the assessors had completed their work .
25 for referral to the Parliamentary Commissioner or a Local Councillor for referral to the Local Commissioner , although it must be remembered that the Local Commissioner can only investigate after a complaint has been brought to the attention of the authority complained against and they have had a reasonable time to reply .
26 However , the situation is completely different in languages with non-semantic gender ( many European languages , for example ) , and the relevance of this fact for theories of anaphora has been brought to the fore in a recent debate between Bosch ( 1987 ; see also 1988 ) and Tasmowski & Verluyten ( 1985 ) .
27 Too often children have been brought to the library for library tours and library lessons , where the main content has been learning to use the catalogue , the classification etc — in short the organization of the library .
28 The last man reached the fresh air base at 12.05 a.m. on Sunday , 10th September , and soon afterwards , all of them had been brought to the surface .
29 Moreover , this particular photograph had been brought to the lab only that day , and no one had ever coupled it with any sort of training .
30 Here when the sin in the darkness had been brought to the light its power was broken and in this case confession had battered down the barrier .
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