Example sentences of "[be] said [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has been said that Philip Miller worked at the Garden before 1722 and that this referred to his promotion .
2 It 's also been said that Prince , who writes songs for anyone and everyone from Sheena Easton to The Bangles , has written a song specifically for her called ‘ Do Me Baby ’ .
3 It has been said that Lewis 's expressed distaste for the poetry of his contemporaries , such as MacNeice and Eliot , was based on jealousy .
4 The schools of Freud and Jung are now much closer together than they used to be : it 's been said that Jungians tend to be more ‘ spiritually ’ orientated .
5 In fact it has often been said that Halley 's reputation for atheism may have cost him the Savilian chair of astronomy in 1691–2 .
6 It has been said that Gouzenko 's defection was the start of the Cold War in that it convinced people that Russia was not benign and friendly but busily spying on its wartime allies by any means at its disposal .
7 It has been said that Peter 's military and naval staff headquarters were almost Scottish institutions .
8 The Standard commentary column enthused again about the benefits that would accrue to the town ; ‘ people of means and leisure will take up residence in the district ; it has long been said that Henley needed further attractions and the present move is assuredly one in the right direction ’ .
9 It has been said that McDonald 's is involved with the destruction of rainforests of Central and South America in order to raise cattle for hamburgers .
10 It has been said that Ian McShane has a footballer 's haircut , but in fact what he now has is a football manager 's haircut .
11 It has been said that Vial was quite unsuited for the post of founding Professor .
12 It has often been said that heads are recruited largely on the basis of having been successful classroom teachers and are therefore appointed to a new task on the basis of their ability in a different job .
13 It has been said that regard must be had to the nature of the contract broken , the position of the parties to the contract , the grounds for the breach , the means employed to procure it , the relation of the person procuring it to the person who breaks the contract , and the object of the person procuring the breach .
14 It has been said that Englishmen have a paranoid suspicion of Oriental cunning , but it was becoming more apparent with every passing day that Javed Miandad and his team were just as concerned about the probity of their hosts .
15 IT HAS been said that Glasgow only really welcomes an incomer if they have built a ship .
16 It has often been said that Tony played a guitar with the crucifixes upside down , for a more sinister and satanic embellishment , but John Diggins is adamant that he never built one like that and he 's pretty certain that no such thing exists .
17 In view of the hardships endured by many peasants , even at times when they were making some gains at the expense of their lords , it is hardly surprising that there were outbreaks of discontent , some of which took violent forms — indeed it has been said that peasant movements were as much a part of seigneurial society as strikes are of large-scale capitalism .
18 It may also be said that Caldwell is concerned with foresight of consequences , whereas Morgan is concerned with knowledge of circumstances .
19 Two years later she began using Bernard Berenson as her buyer of Italian old masters , although it might be said that Berenson was using her , praising each new find in breathless superlatives in order to get the best price out of his patroness .
20 It must be said that Qaddafi 's account of nations lacks clarity .
21 Not since the nineteenth century can it be said that Parliament has made policy directly .
22 To continue with the floral metaphor , it could be said that researchers must search the fully flowered attitudinal stances of this year for the seeds of next year 's crop .
23 Both sexes have need of the night , both have access to it , but it could be said that women represent that force more , and may sometimes be the means through which men make contact with it .
24 It must in the first place be said that women in the past were not for example doctors or politicians , so it is hardly surprising that they should not have held public office in the church .
25 Inasmuch as the parables provide us with some indication of how Jesus saw the world , it must be said that women would appear .
26 By this stage it could fairly be said that women had gained a footing in the Edinburgh book-houses .
27 If we may greatly oversimplify , it could be said that discussions of team organization in relation to client groups tend to be cast in the form of a set of claims made for the advantages of specialization .
28 Manager Frank Gray perhaps had a point after the game when he said that luck did n't smile kindly on his side , but it must also be said that Quakers did not utilise the strong wind in the same forthright manner as the home side in the first half .
29 It must be said that Cardus 's review expressed the reservation that there was , perhaps , some sameness of carriage and accent in each of the three performances , whether it was the First Symphony , the Seventh , or the Apollonian Fourth ( a reading Karajan later modified ) ; but his review characteristically paints a picture , sets the scene for the absent reader :
30 There are growling bass reinforcements and the principal melody shouts its triumph at one point an octave higher than written , through it has to be said that Cortot had a way of making such licence irresistible .
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