Example sentences of "[be] to give [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 By the way , while I think of it , Anne was just about to leave the country when you rang , but she says when she gets back in September you 're to give her a call . ’
2 The cumulative effect of the language of the British inner city has been to give it a contradictory definition , as a conceptual space both inside and outside of society .
3 Anne is abroad at the moment , doing some research , but she left a message with someone that I 'm to give her a ring when she gets back .
4 They confirmed that Laura 's best hope of life would be to give her a new bowel , stomach , pancreas , liver and kidneys .
5 To read these words as ‘ held in any other computer ’ , as the trial judge had done , would be to give them a meaning quite different from their plain and natural meaning .
6 To read those words in that way , in our judgment , would be to give them a meaning quite different from their plain and natural meaning .
7 A long-term , good investment would be to give him a separate building in which to tell the tale of twentieth-century art before the twentieth century is quite at an end .
8 ‘ If you were to give me a ha'penny I might tell you different ’
9 One way to do this is to give them a hefty shove and hurl them together so fast that their mutual electrical repulsion can not resist , as in the Sun where the temperature at the centre is so great that the protons are highly agitated and occasionally collide at which point the energy-liberating fusion mechanisms take over .
10 One way of making people express themselves is to give them a Russian Doll .
11 Because what I really want , after all , is to give them a true belief , and I know very well that , although I want my own beliefs to be true ( because that 's what makes them useful ) , we can all make mistakes .
12 All you need is to give them a regular supply of food and water .
13 One good way of starting the dreaming process is to give yourself a physical check-up .
14 The first thing you need to do with any machine , if you possibly can , is to give yourself a " hands on " session to get to know how it works .
15 My great aim is to give you a periodical which you will not throw aside as soon as read , but which you will value and look over years hence as an old familiar friend , when you may be battling with the realities of life under the suns of India , in the backwoods of Canada or the United States , or the grassy downs of Australia , over the wide Ocean among the isles of the Pacific , or on the distant shores of Columbia .
16 Erm there is to give you a little bit of an idea of hoe those rules would apply and who comes into it A well known family tree for you just to look at .
17 So the chief objective of Styled is to give you a visual impression of the text .
18 This note is to give you a quick update — the report still has to go to the Computer Needs Group .
19 Yeah erm one thing , you were a little bit nervous to start with and what that can do is to give you a tendency to piggyback questions , is that something you 're aware of ?
20 I think the best thing for me to do now is to give you a day by day account of what has happened since we have been here .
21 Engineers know that the way to make something that resists damage is to give it a modular structure .
22 It is well written and interestingly , Warner is publishing it as an original B format and its gimmick to bring it above the rest is to give it a dust jacket .
23 For the Spirit 's work in assurance is to give us a firm foundation to build on , not to make us arrogant ; the ‘ already ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ of the Spirit 's internal witness enable us to be sure without being cocksure .
24 Er , we swopped our sharing expense on the er , Sp Spanish financial daily er , with cash for a twenty five percent stake in the Group and er , one of the things this er , does is to give us a stake in , in Marca , which is the second biggest newspaper in Spain and incidentally has the same social and economic profile as El , The Times of Spain er , and it 's a sport paper which sells seven days a week , two hundred and thirty four thousand circulation and its nearer , nearest competitor sells one fifty thousand .
25 ‘ The decision was to give them a lot of freedom , letting them take the pictures they liked so long as their interpretations were true to the general concept .
26 The object was to give them a sense of purpose and once they were harnessed to that proposition , they policed themselves , so to speak .
27 Hitherto , Blackpool 's aim had been to crush-load its trams to bursting-point , now the object was to give them a comfortable ride for their money .
28 Sharing photographs was to him an act of intimacy ; to show someone a photograph you took was to give them a ‘ deeper insight into you as well as what you discerned ’ .
29 He was to give him a part which would take him into the West End a few months after leaving school , write a special role for him in what would be his first film , introduce him to his future wife and , through one of his sons , Brook , provide him with a lifelong younger ‘ brother ’ .
30 He did go back to London ; he did defy the might of Zanuck , but the canny Alex Korda in London stitched up the contract later which , yes , was to give him a million dollars , but also tie him to some terrible films .
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