Example sentences of "[be] known [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Another , but much larger , group of vessels of late-sixth-century date , which have been assigned to a potter/workshop are known collectively as the Illington-Lackford group , after the two principal cemeteries in Norfolk and Suffolk where they have been found .
2 These are known respectively as material-type , man-type or process-type charts .
3 These two types of choice are known respectively as " closed " and " open " ; the range of possibilities in a closed choice is called technically a " system " ; that in an open choice a " set " .
4 The redemption terms can also differ between bonds : some bonds have a range of possible redemption dates ( such bonds are known as double-dated bonds ) , and sometimes the actual date of redemption is chosen by the issuer ( callable bonds ) and sometimes by the holder ( puttable bonds ) ; some bonds have no redemption date at all , so that interest on them will be paid indefinitely , ( such bonds are known variously as irredeemables , perpetuals or consols ) .
5 The decision of an expert may be known either as 'speaking " or " non-speaking " .
6 Tired of being known only as Kylie Minogue 's long-suffering screen mum , Anne Charleston is treading the boards to prove she has other strings to her bow .
7 In Durham and Yorkshire it is known locally as the Upper Magnesian Limestone ( comprising the Hartlepool and Roker Dolomites and the Concretionary Limestone ) and the Kirkham Abbey Formation , respectively ( Smith 1980 ; Taylor and Colter 1975 ) .
8 In Durham it is known locally as the Seaham Formation and in Yorkshire as the Upper Magnesian Limestone ( Smith , 1980 ; Taylor and Colter 1975 ) .
9 The warming in the eastern Pacific is known locally as El Nino , and the strong EL Nino of 1983 has had severe effects on the local anchoveta fisheries off Peru ( New Scientist , 10 March , p 632 ) .
10 Tests revealed that the man — who is known only as ‘ John Smith ’ — could survive without injections of insulin .
11 ‘ This is known technically as creating brand equity ahead of sales .
12 The original Model X ( NR49V ) was known also as the Cirrus Derby Racer and Lowell Bayles flew it into second Place in the 1930 All-America Derby .
13 When he first appeared he was known briefly as The Broken , referring to his christian name , and to the way he looked so grave , even grief-stricken sometimes in an odd way .
14 Staff and pupils were on first name terms , so that Miss Clifton was Cliffy to her face , and Anna Essinger , who had been dubbed Tante Anna in German , was known simply as T A. The children contributed to the maintenance of their school , to the extent of making furniture and cleaning and repairing the building .
15 A short , wiry Lebanese in his fifties , Talar lived aboard a partially finished 81-foot yacht , King Edmondo , with a tall , blonde Danish woman who towered over him and was known locally as ‘ Foofoo ’ , as she was thought to be somewhat strange .
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