Example sentences of "[be] making for [art] " in BNC.

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1 And just check out what they 're making for the weekend bash : a 20ft wide 6ft tall spine ramp , a 16ft wide mini ramp [ 4ft tall ] , tons of street stuff with fun boxes , handrails and suchlike , and also a massive vert ramp which will be 32ft wide , 10ft transitions and 1 ½ foot of vert , and what 's more this will be bowled out at one end like Vision 's indoor ramp .
2 ‘ Do you think Old Fat will guess we 're making for the smoke ? ’
3 When we 're in Tesco 's we 'll have to make sure we 've bought the ingredients for all these biscuits we 're gon na be making for the rest of the
4 But other players are making for a congested goalmouth and more , like County Auctions , might decide to strike out alone .
5 They were making for the angle between the shore and the base of the headland and as they approached Wycliffe could see tall , black rocks rising out of the sea like the truncated and eroded pillars of some giant temple .
6 Your Lordship will smile I trust at the progress your loving son is making for the Company ; to whom we are beholden for our wherewithal and our signal progress in this land .
7 She was making for a hollow at the base of a large tree .
8 He was making for a taxi , which might well have been waiting for him .
9 The parade was making for the Assembly Hall .
10 He was making for the door when he stopped and half turned back towards her and said , ‘ By the way , Aggie , very little escapes you , as I know only too well , but have you noticed any difference in Jessie of late ? ’
11 Strangely this pledge was nearly fulfilled , for when the crippled Bismarck was making for the shelter of Brest , the U.556 , returning from patrol , came within torpedo firing range of the aircraft carrier Ark Royal , then hurrying north to intercept the German battleship .
12 By the time he reached the gallery his mother was at the far end of the broad corridor , but she was n't going into her room or into his room , she was making for the attic stairs , and now it was his turn to raise his eyebrows .
13 I was making for the hills , and hoping to come back through Peterchurch . ’
14 She was making for the telephone box outside the Broken Dolls Hospital when she heard the puttering of a motorcycle engine as it reduced speed in the gutter behind her .
15 This confused Benny at first , until she realized that they must have been going deeper into the complex , while Froebe would have assumed she was making for the outside .
16 There was no time to get you because she was making for the gate . ’
17 ‘ I 'll see you in the morning , Grandma , ’ Lizzie was making for the door .
18 Well , at about half-seven he 'd gone into a restaurant in St Giles ‘ , Browns ; had a nice steak , with a bottle of red wine ; left at about half-nine — and was strolling down to The Randolph when he 'd met Mrs Sheila Williams , just outside the Taylorian , as she was making for the taxi-rank .
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