Example sentences of "[be] available for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He said Government funding should be available for political parties as in other European countries .
2 The new unit will also be available for young people who are a danger to themselves or others .
3 By February more room should be available for tutor-led group sessions and workshops .
4 Both the Whettons , Alan and Gary , have announced that they will again be available for major rugby this year .
5 Proceeds will be added to the unit 's general funds and will be available for working capital purposes of both firms .
6 Some income will be taken in direct taxation , such as income tax and so will not be available for other uses .
7 It also ties in well with the availability of seismic vessels which are normally based in the North Sea — because of bad weather there during winter the boats are more likely to be available for other assignments .
8 The microfilm equipment would be available for other uses within RBGE , e.g. microfilm copies of Herbarium type specimens could be produced , for sale or loan to other institutions .
9 Thus it is likely that no more than 1 or 2 per cent of the total budget would really be available for new projects and plans — and even that only if pupil numbers were retained and no other emergencies developed in any particular year .
10 Mark Lemon will not be available for official press day on March 19 .
11 These services may also be available for occasional use .
12 The first irradiated fuel will be dismantled in the new cell in January 1995 and from then on it will be available for alternative use with IFD 2 .
13 Barry Coombs had this to say : ‘ More jobs should be available for disabled people .
14 ‘ B ’ and ‘ A ’ allowances would be available for specific responsibilities within teams , often temporary , and always with implications for professional development .
15 Technical assistance worth ECU400,000,000 would be available for specific projects in 1991 and a further undetermined sum in 1992 .
16 In practice , this means that mortgage loans may be available for small-scale workshops , derelict but sound houses which would otherwise be abandoned , houses with energy-saving features and organic smallholdings .
17 Small sums might be available for certain needs , such as redecorating parts of the school , and the appraisal might result in some changed priorities .
18 A new 20% initial allowance will be available for industrial and agricultural buildings that currently qualify for writing-down allowances , provided that they are constructed under a contract entered into between 1 November 1992 and 31 October 1993 and they are brought into use for the purposes of a qualifying trade by 31 December 1994 .
19 The rules say that any beam-line must be available for general use at least one third of the time .
20 To get the Income Support a person must be available for full time work and show that he or she is taking reasonable steps to find a job .
21 They were to meet members of the Board of Trade at six o'clock and were scheduled to be available for public questioning at a meeting on the mezzanine floor of the hotel at seven .
22 Since 1987 the results of prospecting for gold and silver have been passed to the BGS by the Crown Estate Commissioners and will eventually be available for public inspection along with other information from the BGS archives .
23 More recently , at the end of 1982 , the government announced that the sum of £560.5 million would be available for public sector higher education in 1983–4 , a figure which was somewhat higher than was feared and expected .
24 The licensing authority ( the Department of Trade & Industry ) should prepare an Environmental Statement on all ‘ environmentally sensitive areas ’ and such statements should always be available for public scrutiny prior to such areas being offered for licensing .
25 Such assessments should always be available for public scrutiny .
26 These will be available for public inspection at an exhibition to be mounted by Lothian Regional Council from 22nd December 1980 for a period of five days .
27 However , as a strategic planning authority , it is through the Structure Plan process that it can influence the protection of natural resources such as peat lands , and the opportunity for this will arise in the current review of the Plan which will be available for public consultation in the New Year .
28 Firstly , it is anticipated that the draft Structure Plan will be available for public consultation after 13 January 1992 .
29 Slides would be available for public reference , and for loan to RBGE staff and students .
30 The minimum requirement will be to lodge relevant documents in the Regional Planning Department 's foyer to be available for public inspection during normal office hours .
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