Example sentences of "[be] difficult [to-vb] just " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's difficult to say just how much spending will fall short of target , ’ says Henry Bordes-Pages .
2 Until you see them for yourself , in fact , it 's difficult to conceive just how magnificent they really are .
3 When you get such a splodge of colour eh , it 's difficult to know just how well adjusted your colour level is on the television .
4 However much you may have heard , without actually going there , it is difficult to appreciate just how far rugby is woven into the warp and woof of South African society .
5 Once distant from the history , it is difficult to envisage just how powerful that central imperative was and how often the options available were so narrowly restricted as to exclude most of what the party was supposed to stand for .
6 Indeed , in retrospect , it is difficult to see just why the young Morrissey was drawn towards the New York Dolls school of hammy glitter at all .
7 It is difficult to say just what makes a good looking cable .
8 Soon the fog of freedom is so thick that it is difficult to remember just what song they were supposed to be playing in the first place .
9 Richard Barker commented : ‘ We were pleased with our catalogue but it is difficult to quantify just how much extra business these kinds of promotional tools generate . ’
10 In the conditions that prevailed in mid-January this year , it is difficult to conceive just how much water was flowing through the Tay before striking south and on to Perth .
11 The availability of this defence causes problems for a plaintiff especially where the defendant has carried out works specified in an abatement notice , without success , or where the odour problem is so complex that it is difficult to ascertain just what are the best practicable means .
12 It is difficult to ascertain just how effective are conferences and seminars in promoting co-operation and coordination but at the very least they provide a forum for practitioners to take the opportunity for co-operative efforts .
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