Example sentences of "[be] head [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Daniels , the first layman to become Headmaster of Stockport Grammar School , was a Cambridge graduate and a first-class Mathematician ( fifth Wrangler in 1891 ) , and had previously been Head of Physics and Head of Mathematics at Nottingham High School .
2 Mr. J.T. Stanley had been Head of Art since 1949 , and as Form Master of 1A for most of those thirty years , was the introduction to School for almost half the annual intake .
3 The first casualty in building the Hall was Room 5 , form room for many years of Mr. A. Johnston , who retired in July 1968 , having been Head of History since 1925 .
4 Mobutu had been head of state and head of the sole legal party , the Mouvement populaire de la révolution ( MPR ) , since taking power by means of a coup in 1965 .
5 Mba , hitherto governor of the regional bank , the Banque des états de l'Afrique centrale ( BEAC ) , replaced Léon Mebiame who had been head of government since 1981 .
6 He had been Head of Geography from 1919 until his retirement in 1953 , and later became a Governor , representing the staff of the School .
7 In 1984 Young married Lilian Lawson , another prelingually deaf person of Scottish birth , who has held administrative posts since 1981 and has been Head of Administration since 1988 .
8 John Stork — when in his mid-30s — became aware of headhunting when he found himself on the receiving end of a headhunter 's call for the first time ; in due course he became the successful candidate , but did not take the job , staying on as a member of the international Board of Masius Wynne-Williams advertising agency , where he had earlier been head of research .
9 I spoke to that was Monday night , yeah , she 's been head of department , did I tell you that ?
10 In relation to the question of the position of women , it would follow that , since — it is thought — the new testament does not allow the headship of a woman , and through the fact that women did not exercise headship in that society , that a woman should be head of state is as wrong as that a woman should exercise headship within the church .
11 An executive President would be head of state ; holders of this office would in future be elected directly for a maximum term of five years and limited to a maximum of two such terms .
12 What was specified was that Franco would be Head of State for as long as he lived , and that he would designate his own successor , as king or regent .
13 The Coulson Professor will be amongst those eligible to be head of department .
14 Right , just , she said she 's going to be head of department , it starts at ten OK , so she 'll be ahead of herself , then as she 'll be responsible for getting staff said she still has n't , got she said , little love
15 Compared to the Fourth Republic ( 1945–58 ) , which was truly parliamentary , the President in the Fifth Republic has important powers in emergencies , foreign affairs and the appointment of governments , as well as being head of state .
16 The SPA , which elects a standing committee to represent it when not in session , also elects the President , who in addition to being head of state holds executive power and governs in conjunction with a Central People 's Committee and an appointed State Administrative Council ( Cabinet ) .
17 The professor will also be expected to undertake examining duties and such administrative tasks as will from time to time arise , including possibly being head of department ( see below ) .
18 Cars and small vans , with only disrepair in common , were head to tail , headlights burning , a few yards away .
19 As it was decided that there would be a better chance of getting across the front line without a military escort , WHO 's Head of Office in Sarajevo Dr Risto Tervahauta and the UNHCR Chief of Operations Larry Hollingsworth left for Gorazde , Bosnia , at 6 am on May 1 unaccompanied by UN soldiers .
20 There maybe societies where there is a privilege and inequality , but as long as we have in Britain a system where the head of the state , is head of state because the person inherited the position of being monarch and as long as we have a institution such as the House of Lords .
21 The SPA , which elects a standing committee to represent it when not in session , also elects a President who is head of state and who holds executive power and governs in conjunction with a Central People 's Committee and an appointed Administrative Council ( Cabinet ) .
22 The Republic of Cameroon is a one-party state with an executive President who is head of state , head of government and C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces .
23 Executive power is vested in the president of Frelimo , who is head of state and C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces .
24 Executive power is vested in the President ( currently Abdou Diouf ) , who is head of state and head of government .
25 Since 1968 the republic has been ruled by a Military Committee for National Liberation with an executive President ( currently Gen. Moussa Traoré ) who is head of state and head of government , as well as secretary-general of the sole legal political party , the Mali People 's Democratic Union ( Union démocratique du peuple malien — UDPM ) .
26 The Tongan sovereign ( currently King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV ) is head of state and presides over a Privy Council which functions as a Cabinet .
27 Executive power is vested in the President , who is head of state and head of government .
28 The President , who is head of state , is elected by the Great Hural .
29 The President , who is head of state , is elected by the federal legislature for a ( renewable ) term of five years .
30 The Tongan sovereign is head of state and exercises executive power in conjunction with an appointed 10-member Privy Council which functions as a Cabinet .
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