Example sentences of "[be] transferred to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Could have been transferred to Norwich City at the start of the season for a big fee , a much admired left-sided midfielder .
2 Everything she had thrown in Luke 's direction should have been transferred to Rob , really .
3 One excuse given was that the authorities did not want Blake to associate with another spy which would have happened if he had been transferred to Birmingham prison .
4 Fewer still realized that initial Russian successes were made possible mainly because the elite Austrian forces had been transferred to Italy .
5 Meanwhile Winston Scott has been transferred to Albany prison on the Isle of Wight , where he was on hunger strike for a week after being placed in solitary confinement .
6 Early in the summer of 1946 Hellen had been transferred to Toronto and I was becoming more and more disenchanted with the CBC .
7 The nursemaid felt a withdrawal of affection and was hurt , not noticing that the child was shrinking back from all emotional expression ; the hugs and kisses once lavished on Marie had not been transferred to Pamela .
8 About 1,200 delegates , representing the government , political parties , professional and labour bodies and farming and nomadic communities , attended the conference , which had been transferred to Niamey 's sports centre following the collapse of the main roof of the city 's conference centre the previous day .
9 Because income support was introduced at a time when there would otherwise have been an increase in supplementary benefits , and because transitional protection has been provided for some groups of claimants who have been transferred to income support , the Government claims that relatively few people suffered an actual cut in benefit in April 1988 .
10 They had converted them into a fine house , which had been requisitioned by the Germans : the officer in charge was a Captain Foghel who , by the time we were taken to Tabiano , had already been transferred to Bologna .
11 I telephoned that prison only to learn that he had been transferred to Risley .
12 During the year General Accident 's French-based life company , General Accident Vie SA , has been transferred to GA Life .
13 Some 6,000-7,000 Kuwaiti troops had been transferred to Iraq , it said , and thousands of people were held in Iraqi and Kuwaiti prisons , including children as young as 13 .
14 Already our friend Mr Cehovin , the Secretary of the Municipality , had been transferred to Padua , leaving his wife and family to carry on running the gostilna .
15 All records on the existing Altos minicomputer system will have by that time been transferred to users ’ PCs and it will become surplus to requirements .
16 Of the stars in the Square , the brightest is Alpheratz ( 2.1 ) , which used to be known as Delta Pegasi , but has now been transferred to Andromeda as Alpha Andromedæ .
17 Mr Deacon , whose condition was said to be stable , had been transferred to Middlesbrough from Bishop Auckland General .
18 A week after the affairs of the Dove Trust had been transferred to Littlejohn and Partners ( Bermuda ) , Adam surprised Elinor with a trip to Saracen for the weekend .
19 The house was destroyed in World War II , and the Roselli assumed lost , though it had in fact been transferred to Switzerland .
20 My office rang that prison today and was told that the prisoner has now been transferred to Walton prison .
21 Under Lord Protector Cromwell , the property of the Deans and Chapter of St. Paul 's Cathedral , in the Manor of Chiswick , had been transferred to Trustees who sold off all the freehold reversion of the Prebendal Manor , including the ancient Manor House ; Homefields ; the Lord 's close abutting Chiswick Fields ; Barne Close and some pasture abutting the London highway ; a meadow called Prebend Mead and other land including pasture on Stamford Lane and many cottages up to Turnham Green , together with the windmill there .
22 The subjects of many of her pictures have been transferred to Limoges dinnerware and transformed into limited-edition bone china figurines .
23 He was in Long Lartin prison when he wrote to me , but by the time that I was able to make contact with him , he had been transferred to Winson Green prison .
24 Marshall has been transferred to Carstairs State Hospital for observation .
25 She has now been transferred to Ho Chi Minh City .
26 Various other items of plant have been transferred to group factories .
27 The first news of the coup was a statement signed by Yanayev , Pavlov and Baklanov and distributed bythe official news agency Tass on the morning of Aug. 19 , saying that , in keeping with the Constitution , presidential power had been transferred to Vice-President Gennady Yanayev " due to Mikhail Gorbachev 's inability to perform his duties for health reasons " , and that a state of emergency had been introduced in ( unspecified ) parts of the Soviet Union for six months to overcome " the profound crisis , political , ethnic and civil strife , chaos and anarchy that threaten the lives and security of the Soviet Union 's citizens " .
28 Where employees are transferred to posts within locations other than Chesser House , payments of excess travelling expenses/excess travelling time as appropriate will be made in accordance with the Council 's approved arrangements .
29 In the first system the rotation of the mouse 's wheels or ball bearing are transferred to rollers .
30 ‘ ( 4 ) Are the answers to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) affected by the fact that the measure in question has been introduced with the object and effect of rendering a number of fishing vessels which immediately prior to the date of such measure coming into effect have been duly registered in and licensed to fish by the member state in question and which are to a substantial extent beneficially owned by nationals of another member state , resident and domiciled in that other member state , ineligible to fly the flag of the first member state with the result that they cease to be eligible to fish against the catch quotas allocated to the first member state under the Common Fisheries Policy unless ownership and management of the vessels are transferred to citizens of the first member state resident and domiciled therein in accordance with the provisions of the said measure ?
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