Example sentences of "[be] now referred to " in BNC.

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1 The Mexicans seem to be following a general trend in renaming their penal institutions , and many prisons are now referred to as ‘ Centres for Rehabilitation ’ .
2 One has to be ever-vigilant in feeding what I believe are now referred to as ‘ multicultural ’ gatherings . ’
3 The sick wards were now referred to as the workhouse infirmary , a new block was built in 1916 , and by the twenties , it was this section of the Bedford Union which became St. Peter 's Hospital .
4 This was known as ‘ the Inspectors ’ Course , and is now referred to as the ‘ Junior Command Course ’ .
5 However , normal mass spectrometers are not sensitive enough to detect 14 C and to reject all other elements or molecules of very nearly the same weight , such as 14 N. As this nitrogen isotope makes up some 80 per cent of the atmosphere it is very common relative to 14 C. The techniques of nuclear physics were brought to bear on this problem in the late 1970s , and it was shown that 14 C could be detected using what is now referred to as accelerator mass spectrometry , AMS .
6 Following the 1974 NHS reorganisation , we had the introduction of what is now referred to as the departmental system of budgeting ( as in level 2 in Fig. 3.2 ) .
7 For that reason , authorisation under EC rules by a member state is now referred to as ‘ the single passport ’ , since it permits the beneficiary to rely upon that authorisation from its home country throughout the Community .
8 The report is now referred to the Personnel Committee on 11 May 1993 and on agreement will be implemented as soon as practically possible thereafter .
9 The process was initiated in 1970 and is now referred to as the European Political Cooperation Procedure .
10 That is why it is essential that we should continue to develop the space-based defence , which was once called the strategic defence initiative or SDI and is now referred to as ’ brilliant pebbles ’ .
11 That what I always call a family , is now referred to a lot a lot as a family .
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