Example sentences of "[be] at least [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They 're at least £200 new .
2 Working capital needs for a colliery are likely to be at least £5m to finance the output until you get paid .
3 The line should be at least 100kg ( 2201 b ) braided and low-stretch , although there is no rule for this .
4 The breeding tank should be at least 48″ × 15″ × 12″ × if you are using standard sizes .
5 COUNCIL tax bills in Darlington are set to be at least £75 more per property than Government projections , councillors heard yesterday .
6 COUNCIL tax bills in Darlington are expected to be at least £75 more than the Government 's projections , councillors heard yesterday .
7 The cold feed to the cylinder and the vent pipe must be at least 22mm in diameter ; it is best if the hot water distribution pipes are 22mm as well — at least as far as the connection to the branch pipe for the bath .
8 The lowest connection to the stack should be at least 450mm above the bottom of the drain .
9 Any protection screen designed for this purpose should be at least 800mm in height above floor level , and must not contain gaps in excess of 75mm .
10 The ice needs to be at least 2in thick ; the hole only needs to be a couple of inches wide .
11 There should be at least 9mm thickness above the tongue .
12 US aerospace group McDonnell Douglas has agreed to sell its UK-based McDonnell Douglas Information Systems to a group of UK investors for an undisclosed sum ( rumoured to be at least £200m ) .
13 Garage floors should be at least 100mm ( 4in ) below the level of the ground floor of the house if they are attached , to avoid entry of petrol and oil spillages .
14 The distance between the water-level and the cover-glass should be at least 6ins ( 16cms ) , so that it gets sufficient heat and humidity .
15 Remember , if you have this will to win and unrelenting persistence to achieve , then you will be at least 30% better than your contemporaries : Super Sales Grit .
16 Feare ( 1970a ) thought it to be at least 90% during the first winter .
17 Where rainwater ‘ soakaways ’ are used , they should be at least 5m ( 16ft 6in ) from the foundations , and consist of an excavated pit not less than a 1m cube filled with gravel and surrounded by silt , sand and gravel .
18 However , it requires that the metric be at least C 2 everywhere .
19 The treads , for instance should be at least 38mm ( 1½″ ) , or preferably 50mm ( 2″ ) , thick .
20 The repair bill for public-sector accommodation is estimated to be at least £20 billion in 1986 prices ( Association of Metropolitan Authorities , 1986 ) , a year in which total capital spending amounted to about £5.5 billion .
21 In early December 1990 the Defence Department had released an internal report which cited " errors of judgment and failures of supervision " in the programme which was estimated to be at least $1,300 million over budget and 18 months behind schedule .
22 The treads should also be at least 300mm ( 12″ ) deep .
23 Insurers reckon the cost of repairs will be at least £300m ( $172m ) , though at this stage nobody is really sure .
24 Even so , the budget deficit will be at least $250 billion .
25 The mattress should be at least 4–5in thick , either foam or sprung , and carry a fire-resistant label .
26 With consumption forecast to rise by 2% in 1989 — and with demand for OPEC oil expected to be at least 1m b/d less than the cartels supply during the second quarter — the world could again be awash in oil in a matter of months .
27 As a result Mr Collin estimated the actual bills were likely to be at least 25pc higher than the official estimate .
28 The holes for the cold feeds must be at least 30mm above the base of the cistern to prevent any dirt or debris in the bottom of the cistern being taken down the pipes .
29 For example , annual purchases of ammunition seem likely , by the mid-1990s , to be at least 25% down on 1989 levels .
30 The top should be at least 2.4m ( 8ft ) above ground level
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