Example sentences of "[be] perfectly [adj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're perfectly welcome to sweep my coup poudre back up , if you like . ’
2 I think I 'm not I think bound ny anything you have said this afternoon , it 's just , if you 're able to indication or you , if you want to keep your powder dry you 're perfectly entitled to do so
3 Yeah , it 's the same with our blokes , erm , so I mean , we 're perfectly willing to help .
4 And with a little give and take it would have been perfectly possible to share Water Gypsy , she thought resentfully .
5 A rabbit which up to that time may have been perfectly content to sit it out suddenly has more grounds for fear .
6 That night a full moon shone in a completely clear sky , lighting up the landscape so efficiently it would have been perfectly feasible to climb .
7 Norris , still clad in his white lab coat , was one of those medical students whom fate has seemingly marked out to spend the bulk of their studies and initial training suffering from quite stupendous hangovers incurred through the intake of near-fatal levels of alcohol the night before , and their subsequent professional careers sternly finger-wagging at any member of the general public who dares to consume over the course of a week what they themselves had been perfectly happy to sink during the average evening .
8 Hugo had been perfectly happy to talk at length on the Margie Llewellyn Show about the days when he had played on the streets of the Bronx , and how in this unlikely setting a talent for sketching had developed into an interest in designing clothes .
9 It was ridiculous , of course ; by rights she should have been perfectly happy to throw on any old thing , the more unflattering the better , since the whole purpose of the exercise was to convince Dane she did n't want him .
10 In the past , perhaps , it has been perfectly natural to return after work to an empty flat or house and relish the orderly atmosphere and the peace and quiet , settling down alone to TV , music or a book .
11 For Simeon Kokhba , it would have been perfectly natural to expect the adherents of an earlier Messiah — the rightful king dedicated to freeing his country from the Roman yoke — to aid him in just such an enterprise .
12 She knew a lot about birds — she 'd have been perfectly able to do a short stint , teaching them to fly and so forth .
13 I have no control over the length of speeches , but I am perfectly able to control the debate .
14 I am perfectly entitled to make my own decisions and that means that I 'll damn well hitch-hike if I want to ! ’
15 You may think it is a rum thing that a chap like Tim should pay an arm and a leg to come here for a year and then teach us a thing or two but then I am perfectly happy to admit that we do n't know everything .
16 ‘ Where that can be comfortably done without infringing the other objectives then I am perfectly prepared to see how flexible we can make the franchise . ’
17 I am perfectly prepared to accept six set back , the thing to do would be to probably to separate the six , and six and a new seven .
18 And given that humans have been predators of prairie dogs for at least 150 years , the researchers argue that they are perfectly legitimate to use in such a test .
19 Tough standards of energy efficiency are perfectly possible to introduce , together with a combination of power from wind , solar , hydro , biofuels , and geothermal ( heat from rocks ) sources .
20 There are also very many Christians who , while not wishing to engage in holy war in the literal sense , are perfectly prepared to crush to powder the cultures of those they convert , and millions more who would condemn those of other faiths as false , if not idolatrous , and who would wish to have nothing to do with them .
21 But we are perfectly prepared to look at scientific evidence — we are not afraid of that .
22 get to councillor it is it is the procedures of the council that you are perfectly entitled to go to the committee itself and place this on the agenda for the committee .
23 No , I 'm not a vegetarian and it wo n't make me one but they are perfectly entitled to push their views across through their records .
24 ‘ It 's obviously irritating and awkward for us that they have changed their minds , but they are perfectly entitled to do that ’ , explains George Gordon of the Old Masters department .
25 Yet if we assume , as we are perfectly entitled to do for the sake of argument , that life has originated only once in the universe , it follows that we are allowed to postulate a very large amount of luck in a theory , because there are so many planets in the universe where life could have originated .
26 ‘ They are undoubtedly a difficult problem for organisations like the power companies , who are perfectly entitled to take the kind of action they are taking . ’
27 If the examiner has exercised his fancy by using fictitious names , like Tomkins , you are perfectly entitled to abbreviate them to the initial letter — unless , of course , two parties in the same problem have the same initial letter .
28 Of course , in a controlled experiment , where randomization is possible , we are perfectly entitled to combine the advantages of randomization and matching .
29 During this period of numbness , people are perfectly able to carry on with the practicalities of living .
30 Mr Cocks said : ‘ Some four or five-year-olds are perfectly able to give a coherent account of themselves , while some 16-year-olds can not . ’
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