Example sentences of "[be] exactly [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Tim Reagan , a gaunt forty-year-old , who was a genius with trade unions as well as being an accountant and Peter Yeo 's right hand , moved swiftly through the secretarial problem , which was one of shortage of same , and seemed , as Peter Yeo observed pleasantly , to have been exactly the same difficulty any time in the last two years , to a discussion of building security , in which no one was much interested either .
2 For hundreds of years it has all been exactly the same .
3 He 'd been exactly the same once before when he 'd found out that Pete had seen Last Tango in Paris ( ‘ Yeah , but what did they actually do ? ’ ) and now , as then , Pete had taken care to fine-tune Ted 's frustration to the point of obsession .
4 All of that had changed in the course of five minutes in the ancillary staff 's locker room , and the sense of betrayal had been exactly the same .
5 Jessamy found herself remembering how it had been the very first time between them , it had been exactly the same , this sudden wanting .
6 ‘ Because it 's been exactly the same for me , ’ Julius said simply .
7 Ianthe Broome , Daisy Pettigrew , Sister Dew and one or two others whose names she could never remember , now sat down round the table and began to discuss the final arrangements for the bazaar , which had always been exactly the same and always would be , except that from one year to another a pint more or less milk might be ordered for the teas .
8 The faculty argued that her treatment had been exactly the same as that of any other applicant , regardless of his or her race or colour , who sought to join the bar .
9 But it would have been exactly the same problem simple harmonic motion
10 For example , if you have the situation where you want to put two occasionally-used machines quite close to one another , it may be to your advantage that their heights are exactly the same so the job can run across both tables .
11 In fact what he has been using are exactly the same as the cheap mass-produced lasers used in CD machines .
12 The elements of the offence are exactly the same as for reckless driving , with the extra element of causing death .
13 The use of a petrol block on a diesel engine is not a problem as the parts are exactly the same The problem is with the crankshaft The diesel unit is of forged steel and carries a ‘ D ’ stamped on the web of the crank The petrol version , whilst sharing exactly the same dimensions is marked P and it is made from cast iron and will not run for long in a diesel unit — as you have discovered Some military petrol engines however are fitted with the forged steel crank and these will fit and run in diesel units
14 It is essential that before you attempt to duck gybe you can carve gybe well , as the feet and body positions are exactly the same .
15 In fact , as I have developed this chapter , I realise that within the definition I am using they are exactly the same thing .
16 I 've spoken with the daughter on the telephone within the last couple of months , and each time our telephone conversations are exactly the same — the daughter 's at the end of her tether , she does n't know what to do .
17 After all , no two people are exactly the same , at least none that I have heard of or met !
18 The conceptual hotch-potch of the traditional curriculum , based on subjects which are a random assortment of content-based , concept-based , skill-based and moral-based collections of ideas ( whose confusing absurdity is in part exemplified by the NCC 's cross-curricular skills which are exactly the same as the curricular subjects ) has never been designed from first principles to do the basic job of a curriculum , which is to help achieve aims in the most effective and efficient way .
19 The ingredients are exactly the same — the game is essentially a crooked manoeuvre to get or give strokes and/or discounts .
20 In a formal display the left and right hand side are exactly the same .
21 When two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a membrane the tendency is for movement through the membrane to occur so that eventually both solutions are exactly the same strength on both sides of the membrane .
22 Children often claim similarity , and experience of comparison will enable them , like Tom , to explore whether things are exactly the same or not .
23 Materials , including hi-tech composites for flaps and control surfaces , are exactly the same as those found on A320s and the new A340 .
24 But although long-nets have a number of uses the nets are exactly the same for each purpose .
25 I ca n't explain it — the parts are exactly the same .
26 Since the notes in the key of G major are exactly the same as those in the key of E minor ( the ‘ relative minor ’ of G major ) the chords found in E minor will be exactly the same as those found in G major .
27 Many of the skills we acquire on the most mundane level are exactly the same as those that are needed in any high-powered job — the ability to manage people , to organize schedules , make the most of limited resources , to keep calm in a crisis , and to encourage those dependent upon us .
28 My second thoughts are exactly the same .
29 As work progresses , make regular check for horizontal , and to ensure that both walls are exactly the same height
30 Orcs call stone throwers rock lobbers , but in all other respects they are exactly the same .
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