Example sentences of "[be] necessary [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 It will be necessary to confirm that all restrictions have been observed and if they have not been observed , to confirm that consent to vary or discharge them has been forthcoming .
2 It should hardly be necessary to mention that every partners ' meeting should be duly and sufficiently minuted and the minute approved at the next meeting .
3 We could then say that , for example , ‘ Hungary ’ is phonemically while ‘ hungry ’ is ; it would then be necessary to say that the vowel phoneme in the phonemic representation is not pronounced as a vowel , but instead causes the following consonant to become syllabic .
4 Items of particular relevance to futures trading are as follows : ( 1 ) A statement of the customer 's investment objectives ( unless included in a separate document ) : If futures trading is to be undertaken otherwise than for purely hedging purposes , it would be necessary to document that the customer 's investment objectives were speculative .
5 Even those who thought military sanctions might be necessary believed that this would be limited to using the Royal Navy to close the Suez Canal to the Italians .
6 Pairs of square brackets indicate that the enclosed formula is to be taken as an E , with round brackets for properties ; where it may be necessary to indicate that a sequence of E P is a clause within some larger construction rather than a simple entity-identifying expression , we shall use scroll brackets as our notational device .
7 As the Community moves to complete the internal market , it will be necessary to ensure that anti-competitive practices do not engender new forms of local protectionism which would only lead to repartitioning the market .
8 ‘ There is obviously going to be displacement of people as specialist sites are concentrated , ’ says Ms Brown , adding that it would be necessary to ensure that the right amount of nursing support and training is available as the displacement of nurses takes place .
9 But it would be necessary to ensure that the learning which resulted in respect of such content was accepted by students as worth the processing effort .
10 Where information is presented in the notes to the financial statements rather than on the face of the balance sheet , it would be necessary to ensure that the caption on the face of the balance sheet indicates that the balance sheet total includes non-equity interests or convertible debt .
11 It may also be necessary to ensure that parents do not become over-zealous in their commitment to a particular kind of therapeutic activity to the extent that it limits , rather than expands , the child 's experiences , or dominates the lives of other members of the family .
12 In the teaching situation , verbal descriptions should draw on aspects of the pupil 's experience , and it will be necessary to ensure that there are opportunities for individual and small-group demonstrations supported by relevant verbal descriptions .
13 If necessary , coercion may be necessary to ensure that these issues are addressed .
14 If this idea is to work it will be necessary to ensure that these eigenvalues are all real numbers .
15 If this is the aim it will , by the agreement of transfer , be necessary to specify that the transferor will not further use or disclose the information himself , otherwise the transferee will simply be one further person who is aware of the information .
16 ‘ It will now be necessary to observe that animals are more frequently attacked by epizootic , endemic and contagious diseases than the human species because we are protected from these casualties by our Houses , Clothing and manner of Living , in short by all the precautions that reason dictates , whilst animals are deprived of all these recourses and are constantly exposed to dangers which we avoid by the above-mentioned precautions , besides their food and drink is constantly the same , which often is the cause of a fermentation in their blood which generally terminates in stubborn and fatal diseases .
17 However , in this case , it would not be necessary to determine that all the quanta came from the same direction : it would be enough to observe that they all arrived within a very short time interval to be reasonably confident that they were coming from the same burst .
18 Several methods of data collection are possible and a pilot study will be necessary to check that the operation runs smoothly .
19 For the prosecution case to stand , it will be necessary to prove that Lenny McLean struck the fatal blow .
20 Generally speaking , it continues to be necessary to prove that the will of the victim was overcome by violence .
21 But for self -consciousness to get a foothold it would be necessary to establish that they were aware of recognising themselves ; which is awareness of a different order .
22 Since the agreements were contracts made under domestic law , it would be necessary to establish that they were internationalised contracts with international law as the proper law of the contract for their violation to amount to an international wrong .
23 The shareholders enjoy an additional layer of protection with regard to gratuitous payments , in that in order to show that a payment is authorised by the company 's memorandum it will usually be necessary to establish that it is reasonably incidental to the company 's business purposes , in essence , that it is for the company 's benefit , which is an objective question .
24 To demonstrate a sensitive period of the type he was proposing , it would be necessary to show that adults who had left a kibbutz at the age of six were not sexually attracted by members of the opposite sex whom they had been reared with while still in the kibbutz .
25 Generally speaking , so far as English Law is concerned , it will be necessary to show that there was some ‘ proximity ’ between the damage suffered by the claimant and the engineer 's acts or omissions and that it was reasonably foreseeable that the engineer 's acts or omissions would cause loss to the claimant .
26 Paula was amazed by the security arrangements that were necessary to ensure that the new season 's collections remained exclusive — the windows at the rear of the premises were heavily barred and practically the first thing she had to do on commencing her employment was to sign a contract promising that she would not breathe a word about the designs she saw .
27 Informal methods are fine for small numbers of students ( say less than 20 ) , but for larger numbers some more formal mechanisms are necessary to record that students have submitted their work , and that it has been marked .
28 Such a measure means accepting that compulsory powers are necessary to ensure that this circumscribed group of detained patients are encouraged to maintain their continued care in the community , rather than to be frequently detained in hospital or to become a casualty in the community .
29 Measurement of sub-contractor 's work is a difficult and laborious task and management controls are necessary to ensure that work is accurately measured and valued and that the surveyor has sufficient time to achieve these objectives .
30 The health authority has made it clear that it is initiating an inquiry to establish the levels of staffing and back-up staffing that are necessary to ensure that there are no shortages .
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