Example sentences of "[be] draw [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 We also pledge that when we are drawing up the membership of the commission we shall take into account his earlier suggestions about widening the membership .
2 When you 're drawing up the timetable right at the beginning there is no reason why you can not fix your planning meeting dates , and stick pretty closely to them .
3 The Pakistan skipper had been drawn down the pitch by Tufnell 's flight .
4 Waco : CULT leader David Koresh may be drawing out the 34-day stand-off with federal agents so it ends on a religious holiday and fulfils his prophecies , the FBI said .
5 The wording referring to the specific location in the location description would by definition have to be drawn up the region , cos they would have intimate knowledge of the locality that er sorry and the costs would be drawn up by the region because they would know as I say intimately they would know that specific development
6 Its first job should be to draw up the Institute 's environment charter .
7 If you were to draw up the specification for the ideal material for electronic engineering , I guess it would be something combining the properties of the perfect conductor , the perfect insulator and the ideal semiconductor .
8 He was one of the seven magnates whose confederation in April 1258 began the revolution ; he was one of the baronial twelve who were to draw up the plans of reform ; and he was one of the council of fifteen set up by the Provisions of Oxford to govern England in the king 's name .
9 When the blind is drawn up the scallops become even fuller .
10 All you need to do is to draw up the pattern shapes to full size on to brown paper and use this as a pattern for your cloth .
11 The purpose of this study is to draw out the lessons of US experience as they relate to the situation in Britain .
12 A sample of 50 schools was drawn up the Statistics Division of SOED ( one in eight of all Scottish secondaries ) giving broad representation of Scottish secondaries in general , in terms of size , geographic location , denominational status and percentages of pupils entitled to free school meals .
13 It was to draw up the Constitution of 1812 , the ‘ sacred codex ’ which defined Spanish liberalism as a political creed .
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