Example sentences of "[be] stand at the " in BNC.

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1 And thus it was , that February evening , that she came to be standing at the top of the monumental sweep of the staircase , under the huge doorway , pausing for a moment , offering tribute to herself and all her gods .
2 Everything had an improvised , random air about it , as if people had erected new machines just where they happened to be standing at the time , next to the debris of the old .
3 Gomer would be standing at the top of the steps , lounging against the porch pillars ; an ogre with his two-tailed knotted whip .
4 For one moment , when the right hon. Gentleman first rose to speak , and given that he will not be standing at the next election , I thought that Daniel had come to judgment and that the right hon. Gentleman was going to show some concern for those who seek asylum in this country and who have fled from oppressive regimes that were supported by the Government of which he was happily a Cabinet member for so many years .
5 I 'm stood at the tee throwing the clubs up in the air and whooping away and he just turns to me and says , ‘ Do n't get too excited , Jacky .
6 But , I told myself , by the time you are standing at the airport terminal ( not the train or the bus station ) , you have burned off the top ones and , come on , lad , you can afford to relax a little .
7 RICHARD and EMMA are standing at the front door of a rambling , untidy , Edwardian Mansion .
8 Awareness may come easily when you are experiencing the wonder of growing a plant from seed — it is a little less in the forefront of your mind when you are standing at the kitchen sink doing the washing up .
9 Immediately , the cameramen who had been standing at the sides of the rows of chairs moved , and the flash of lights and the clicks of their equipment bewildered him slightly .
10 She guessed that he had been standing at the window or listening for the sound of her key in the lock .
11 For the past hour we had been standing at the top of a Norfolk heath in swirling snow .
12 He 'd spent most of the evening wrestling with the one fragment that he 'd managed to retain , picked out of the air behind him as he 'd been standing at the cooker watching his soup boil .
13 As she had come round the corner of the house from putting her bicycle in the old stable block , Inspector Blakelock had been standing at the front door almost as if he were waiting for her .
14 The cows were standing at the entrance to a small byre , while the farmer poured a purple fluid from a bucket into their wounds .
15 ‘ I am the Conservatives ’ Jeremy Irons , ’ he murmured as apologetically as if he were standing at the rostrum with a brand new Oscar .
16 Bryce , Lawler , Ethel , one of the Australians and a few others were standing at the windows gazing out .
17 Ten minutes later , they were standing at the window of the cutler 's shop .
18 They were standing at the bar with their first glasses of wine in front of them .
19 Two men were standing at the further end of the clearing shooting at a wand .
20 Three or four people without seats were standing at the far dome car end , including the actress Angelica .
21 Several humans with official-looking trousers and big boots were standing at the bottom of the ramp .
22 They were standing at the desk by now and the girl was working on the bill .
23 There was nobody else except two strangers who were standing at the back of the church .
24 Martha and Mrs Medlock were standing at the door , staring at Mary , their mouths half open .
25 But now they were standing at the head of a deep valley in the moor with their ears and tails down .
26 About an hour later it arrived but we were standing at the bar when we had er ordered it .
27 The statue , by Philip Jackson , vice-president of the Royal Society of British Sculptors , is to stand at the museum 's entrance gates .
28 An Officer is standing at the entrance and directing the units to certain parts of the farm ; he has a strong Scottish accent .
29 His wife is standing at the window , looking out at the rain .
30 perhaps , he thought as he followed Maisie down the front path , it was that he knew them only as fathers , as people whose primary function was to stand at the edge of swimming pools , dank gymnasia or football fields , their collective manhoods bruised by nurture , blurring with age and helpless love .
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