Example sentences of "[be] expect [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 SERIOUS traffic delays are expected while British Gas carry out excavations of the A59 at Rice Lane , near Walton Hospital , Liverpool .
2 US scientists who have analysed the data claim that there is no evidence that temperatures in the lower atmosphere have increased significantly , as could have been expected if global warming were underway .
3 At a time when potential reformers included senior officials and members of the royal family , it was to be expected that educated people outside the government would emerge from the bunker to which they had been relegated in 1848 .
4 Without this " attraction " it was hardly to be expected that rural labour markets could clear themselves through falling wages , since they were already so close to the level of subsistence that a further lowering would have reduced the productivity of labour via its depressing effect on the calorific value of workers ' diets which would no longer have sustained the same work effort .
5 If bile reflux is important aetiological factor in gastric carcinogenesis in this situation , it might be expected that gastric mucosal DNA should also show evidence of bile related adduction .
6 It might be expected that subsequent cohorts of elderly people will be more likely to have children , and be survived by them , but other social and economic trends may reduce their ability and willingness to assume caring responsibilities for aged parents .
7 To the idealist , the whole world is a manifestation of a rational pattern in the mind of its Creator , and thus it is to be expected that natural forms should reveal a harmony and an underlying unity .
8 In addition to the consumption of resources by the Contra war , it might well be expected that military invasion would harden government attitudes towards those whose actions were deemed anti-social or anti-government .
9 In the end , there is nothing better to be expected than dignified poverty with the consolation of friendship .
10 To return to the main point : we introduced surface dyslexia as the pattern of acquired dyslexia which would be expected if neurological damage had affected the lexical procedure for reading aloud and spared the non-lexical procedure .
11 In all experiments on toroidal discharges neutrons have been observed in about the numbers to be expected if thermonuclear reactions were proceeding .
12 Or , conversely , is there positive clumping of particular cone types , as might be expected if local patches of cones were descended from a single precursor cell ?
13 An upper jaw from Samburu Hills appears to have gorilla-like morphology of its teeth combined with thick enamel , which is very much what would be expected if thick enamel is identified as an ancestral hominine character .
14 Moreover , there is little seismic evidence for the intermediate and deep earthquakes below the Himalayas that would be expected if active subduction is , in fact , occurring .
15 The immature newcomer to the department will almost certainly accept this relationship initially , so no breakdown of the transaction is to be expected as long as there is adequate stroking by the adult .
16 The administration of additional inspired oxygen seemed to be of benefit ; in 15 patients with baseline hypoxaemia this would be expected as episodic desaturation has been reported to be more severe if baseline hypoxaemia is present .
17 The PBS deputy leader , Bernard Dompok , said that more arrests could be expected as federal leaders were aiming to " create uncertainty " in Sabah .
18 Each phase should share their knowledge and experience of the following : — approaches and methods used with pupils ; — the range and nature of materials used ; — the subject content covered ; — the outcome of pupils ' work ( e.g. particular levels of attainment that could be expected or anticipated ) .
19 No precise information about the extent of trade in jet can be expected until different varieties of jet have been more precisely defined .
20 For example , in paragraph 2.19 it states ’ HMI was concerned to hear , repeatedly , from police officers that they were having to concede more and more ground to the hooligans in the street , as no police back-up could be expected when scanty resources were deployed to incidents . ’
21 Judicial misinterpretation is only to be expected where radical reform is introduced .
22 There are a large number of situations in which it is expected that professional judgement will have a considerable influence upon the implementation process .
23 Where unmet need relates to the services of another agency ( for example health or housing ) it is expected that similar steps will be taken to ensure that the shortfall is taken into account in that agency 's planning ( DoH , 1991a , p. 7 ) .
24 This has now been officially recognised and it is expected that extra student places will be provided to make up the deficiency .
25 Following the Health and Safety ( Emissions into the Atmosphere ) Regulations 1983 , referred to earlier it is expected that local authorities will take over the responsibility for prosecuting persons for such offences , as Regulation 7 repeals s.78(3) of the 1974 Act which had required proceedings to be instituted by an inspector appointed under s. 19 of the Health and Safety at Work , etc .
26 And many disabled people require large quantities of water , so it is expected that social legislation will provide grants to cover some of these categories .
27 The BAAB will encourage all its athletes selected for the Olympic Games to use the Vauxhall Invitation and it is expected that top Americans , already in Europe for the Grand Prix meets in Lausanne on July 8 , Crystal Palace ( July 10 ) and Nice ( July 12 ) , will also head for the North-East .
28 It was expected that due to this left hemispheric specialisation for verbal ability , the right field advantage would be reduced for the trigram task when subjects were shadowing auditory verbal material .
29 The French government tried to save money by accrediting the consul-general it sent to Japan in 1858 also as chargé d'affaires ( a device quite often used outside Europe , mainly in minor Latin-American states where it was expected that political relations would be very much subordinate to commercial ones ) .
30 At the same time it was expected that accompanying memoirs would be published explaining in detail the geology shown on the maps .
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