Example sentences of "[be] write [art] history " in BNC.

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1 I 'm writing a history of climbing in the Peak District from 1930 to the present .
2 If one were writing the history of Western Europe in the period from about 330 to about 700 ad , there would , inevitably , be two major themes .
3 The second course is to write the history of the local organisation from general knowledge gleaned over the years , and to send this to the leader , or committee , for comment .
4 Derrida focuses on Foucault 's claim that in Madness and Civilization he is writing a history of the Other .
5 She is a historian , or more properly a micro-historian , and she is writing a history of our hillside — the road I walk up from the station and the various lanes and alleyways that open off it .
6 and I was very moved by the photograph and I ended up writing a poem to this little girl , and indeed one thing I can say , perhaps with some pride , is that Doctor Barnardos know about this poem , and somehow who was writing a history Barnardo children actually asked to use it in her book .
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