Example sentences of "[be] not looking at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He said ‘ it 's not bad , is it ’ , but I have seen it before at different levels and I am not looking at it too much at this stage .
2 As we examine the dominant beliefs of the two alliances , it must be stressed that we are not looking at beliefs possessed by each and every person who identifies to a greater or lesser extent with either set of traditions .
3 It is all too easy to daydream while reading and thereby not recognise words which we are looking at , but it is also possible to recognise words which we are not looking at .
4 unc is equivalent to unc This law simply says that every behaviour of Q is also possible for p ; thus in observing Q we can not be sure that we are not looking at P. unc induces a natural partial order on occam terms ( factored under the equivalence induced by the domain ) .
5 When I write again in twelve months ’ time I shall be extremely disappointed if , world events permitting , we have not met our targets and are not looking at an improved set of results .
6 She said , ‘ So you are not looking at Dr Rafaelo as a potential boyfriend ? ’
7 No , we 're not looking at a new wonder drug , you know , the type that you swallow with a glass of water .
8 You 're not looking at the stream , you 're looking at the bloody quality and you ca n't stop yourself doing it . ’
9 So you 're not looking at the answer .
10 When you study a play as part of an English Literature course , you 're not looking at the staging of it ; you 're not looking at how it works when it stands up .
11 When you study a play as part of an English Literature course , you 're not looking at the staging of it ; you 're not looking at how it works when it stands up .
12 You 're doing it wrong if you 're not looking at the person that you 're trying to persuade .
13 Wah , urgh , I tried to argue the point at appeal , erm , if you look up the listing for these properties , er , in the area which back onto the mill stream , it 's all the grounds are listed because it says quite clearly , that in the opinion of , they form a group , and it was one of the reasons which I 'm glad you , well as you can see , this piece of ground is part of a listing , and although this existing permission , we 're looking at it as a clean site , tonight , we 're not looking at what has been passed .
14 right , and I look over to Roger and Roger 's flicking through his notes like this and as you , you were peeping through and he 's trying to find out what , what he 's talking about , they 're not looking at each other and anyway at the end of it , er we went through it and at the end of it he turned round and went how was it , what were you playing at , what was that spiel that you gave it 's in my brief , that 's one of my objections
15 Right , or rustle the paper even , you 're not looking at it are you ?
16 We 're not looking at that point of view we 're looking at more like working together to find a solution .
17 Erm it , we 've covered some of it , the rest , er , again , because we 're not looking at such large large sums , you know , as Cover Master for Home Health Checks and things like that , erm , but , basically , no .
18 you 're not looking at it in the same way at all .
19 You 're not looking at it now .
20 I mean I 'm not looking at anyone in particular , because I I ca n't
21 I 'm not looking at
22 What , what I 'm not looking at you ?
23 And if every , everybody brings a friend then you 're looking at fifty people , and I 'm not looking at fifty people , I 'm looking at this lot .
24 I think I must be not looking at the list or not reading half the stuff .
25 They were not looking at us .
26 But they were not looking at one point , as the worshippers did at the Wimbledon Islamic Boys ' School ( Day Independent ) : they were moving up and down , backwards and forwards , bumping into each other and generally carrying on like people at Victoria Station during the rush hour .
27 And Tory arguments that the tax would make companies uncompetitive were not looking at the whole picture .
28 Till eventually I mean you ere doing it with these As you were going through here you were n't looking at this table you were working some of them out you were saying , Oh that 'll be a double positive that 'll be a double double negative these 'll go together .
29 So I suppose whatever area you went into , erm you might find it a bit frustrating to start with , because you were n't looking at the big picture .
30 They were n't looking at Nisodemus as he spoke , but at the crowd .
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