Example sentences of "[be] the same age " in BNC.

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1 SIR — I am the same age as the funniest sports writer around , Michael Parkinson .
2 Ann , in 1913 , would have been the same age as Edward 's mother and , from family hearsay , Ann 's sentiments resemble closely the practical , optimistic piety of Mary Elizabeth Thomas .
3 This is why people who are the same age as one another usually end up being friends because they are going through the same experiences simultaneously .
4 cos Edmund and I are the same age
5 You 're the same age as that boy would have been , see if you 've got sixteen ! ’
6 Brothers sisters , they 're the same age as you more or less , not necessarily a good idea .
7 Yeah cos they 're the same age .
8 Yeah in having said that you 're the same age as me
9 Agnes watched the young , plump , matronly lady look at the young man , whom she imagined to be the same age as his wife .
10 Moreover we can discuss the meaning of what is being said even if it so happens that there are no trees in the park , or if all the trees happened to be the same age and none of them was an oak .
11 Under equal opportunities , they could both be the same age .
12 Would she probably be the same age as Lyndsey ?
13 Now as far as I 'm concerned , if the benefit to B is greater , supposing for example , they 're not the same age , sorry , I should n't have said that about being the same age .
14 The refugees were the same age as he was when he escaped from East Germany 37 years ago .
15 But did you realise Marty Wilde was 17 when he hit stardom ; that Cliff Richard and Billy Fury were the same age if not younger ; that some of the singers and dancers on Jack Good 's ground-breaking ‘ Boy Meets Girl ’ and ‘ Oh Boy ’ shows were only 15 and 16 ?
16 We were the same age , but I was so much older than he .
17 Perhaps by my middle-aged presence , the suggestion that Flora and I were the same age ?
18 Although they were the same age , they thought the Russells Hall pupils would be much bigger than them .
19 Matt and I were the same age within a month but Alfred was two or three years older and Maurice quite a bit younger .
20 You 're not alone in your embarrassment — most of your friends will know exactly what you 're going through , having been through it themselves when their kids were the same age .
21 But you were the same age , you might have known or heard things about her that adults would not know . ’
22 They were the same age — twenty-four — had been born and brought up in Hong Kong , and gone to school together .
23 who plays most beautifully and who is the same age and the same size as Wolfgang …
24 And to think his wife is the same age as Una !
25 The Irish entrepreneur is the same age as the actress .
26 Their skin is the same age .
27 I also feel very sorry for him : he is the same age as me and I would hate to be put under the pressure that was evident in his shaking frame after his statement .
28 Mike Gatting , who is the same age , and has been fortunate indeed to be excused his South African indulgence , looks a good deal older .
29 She is the same age as Sandy — ten years old — and absolutely devoted to her . ’
30 Her son , Mark , is the same age as James and yesterday his small body was strapped in his buggy .
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