Example sentences of "[be] in proportion to " in BNC.

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1 Use prominent and clear price tickets ( but make sure they are in proportion to the size of the goods ) .
2 The legs that deliver that blow are in proportion to the rest of the tiger 's body , the circumference of the upper joint often being as much as 21 in ( 54 cm ) .
3 In between fell the revolt of Inaros , a Libyan prince , 462–452 , whose final defeat entailed the defeat of an Athenian force of 200 ships , sent to help Inaros during recover Egypt are in proportion to what was at stake .
4 Bear in mind that the container should be in proportion to the size of the flowers — small blooms are lost in a large vase .
5 Extra items or ‘ props ’ used in the display must be in proportion to the size of the goods on show .
6 However this should only be in proportion to the individual plant 's capacity to produce new wood , and you may have to compromise and resort to some lateral side-shoots like a climber .
7 If it is accepted that representative or indirect democracy is at best an inadequate substitute for personal participation , and that everything possible should be done to ensure that the views and wishes of the people are represented as accurately as possible within such a system , it must surely follow that representation should be in proportion to the weight of opinion in the society itself .
8 Proportionality is similarly seen as a mistaken notion , since there is no reason why the treatment needed by the offender should be in proportion to the gravity of the offence .
9 I 'll make sure your reward will be in proportion to the value of your information .
10 The depth of the valance should be in proportion to the accompanying curtains , as with a pelmet .
11 Swags and tails are an elaborate form of valance and as such should be in proportion to their accompanying curtains .
12 Such staff are spread throughout UK departments , and hence their borrowings and consultations may be in proportion to their own numbers , rather than to the numbers of successful Scottish geology Ph D students they supervise .
13 If the research is a problem-solving exercise , the satisfaction achieved in solving that problem may be in proportion to the perceived size of the problem .
14 However Springette v Defoe [ 1992 ] Fam Law 459 ( which was not a case between husband and wife ) decided that where there had been no discussion between the parties about their respective beneficial interests , the Court could not infer an intention of equal shares ; the shares were presumed to be in proportion to their respective contributions .
15 The punishment should fit the crime in the sense of being in proportion to the moral culpability shown by the offender in committing the crime .
16 Suppose a chemical firm discharges a pollutant into a river , the quantity of pollutant discharged being in proportion to the level of chemical production .
17 The degree of squeeze is in proportion to the load on the transmission .
18 They can be gathered or pleated with most headings , provided the depth of the heading is in proportion to the depth of the valance .
19 The extent of their happiness as they read and wrote , and walked the Dorset lanes , was in proportion to the unsettled times they had often known until then .
20 The number of sureties needed was in proportion to the sum borrowed , one housekeeper for £5 , two for £10 and so on .
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