Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] merely as " in BNC.

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1 Suggestions following each heading are intended merely as indications of the scope of the topic , and are not of course exhaustive .
2 Because agents are seen merely as the supports of this structure , their intentional properties do not enter into social explanation ; and because its various components are interdetermined , the economic sphere does not have the straightforward primacy that economism requires .
3 The Decameron stories are used merely as test material and were chosen because they seemed intuitively to be constructed primarily in narrative terms , as opposed to psychological , philosophical or descriptive ones .
4 How many can be regarded merely as affecting the objects in which the estate is now held to consist ( this is what the words permutatum dominium convey ) ?
5 For rule utilitarianism , in contrast , once a rule is shown to be felicific , it is established as something to be obeyed , unless perhaps in very special cases , and is not to be considered merely as one factor to be weighed against others .
6 At its lowest level , the beakers could be seen merely as souvenirs bought at the markets , which sprang up round the arenas and race-tracks at festival times .
7 From this perspective , in imposing negligence liability the court can be seen merely as upholding private rights , and that is hardly an ‘ intrusion ’ .
8 That is to say , we shall recognise sense-units along a sense-spectrum — to be called local senses — by their participation in distinct lexical fields ( here , to be understood merely as sets of lexical items interrelated by determinate meaning relations such as oppositeness , hyponymy , part-whole , etc . ) .
9 Civil Society is not then to be viewed merely as the world of individual needs , but rather … as sets of structured , institutionalized social practices .
10 In animals , X would have to be genetically specified , although it might be specified merely as being different , in any way , from other members of the species .
11 Indeed it probably encouraged them , though it must never be forgotten that for every nursemaid or gardener who lived out their lives in the service of one family there were a hundred country girls who passed briefly through the household to pregnancy , marriage or another job , being treated merely as yet another instance of that ‘ servant problem ’ which filled the conversations of their mistresses .
12 Whatever social and political abuses Herod might perpetrate , these were seen merely as symptoms of a much more profound dilemma — the dilemma of a people who had been abandoned by their God .
13 Sometimes objects are perceived merely as alternatives to words , as signs to be used in pseudo-linguistic formal analysis .
14 In this use , then , have is similar to make in ( 163 ) : in both readings , the object is seen as a mere instrument so that causation is conceived merely as the production of an effect under the influence of a cause .
15 ‘ Chairman — the first off the mark was Guy Husband from Six ‘ — I 'm sorry to be singing the school song so early , but the Meeting Notice was classified merely as ‘ Secret , .
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