Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] simply as " in BNC.

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1 Since the justification of the binding force of authoritative directives rests on dependent reasons , the reasons on which they depend are ( to the extent that the directives are regarded simply as authoritative ) replaced rather than added to by those directives .
2 On the " substantial " interpretation , they are seen simply as relating to certain terms which if substituted for variables in the relevant propositional schemata yield ( contextually ) true propositions , irrespective of whether or not such terms stand for actually existing objects .
3 But there was no ambivalence in other writers : Quinney ( 1975 ) insisted that the criminal law must be seen simply as ‘ a coercive means of enforcing the capitalist social and economic order on an unwilling populace ’ , and added :
4 Having regard to the objectives and the general scheme of the Convention , that it is important that , in order to ensure as far as possible the equality and uniformity of the rights and obligations arising out of the Convention for the contracting states and the persons concerned , that concept should not be interpreted simply as referring to the national law of one or other of the states concerned .
5 Having regard to the objective and the general scheme of the Convention , it is important that , in order to ensure as far as possible the equality and uniformity of the rights and obligations arising out of the Convention for the contracting states and the persons concerned , that concept should not be interpreted simply as referring to the national law of one or other of the states concerned .
6 As the court held with respect to the expression ‘ matters relating to a contract ’ used in article 5(1) ( see the judgments of 22 March 1983 in Peters [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 , and of 8 March 1988 in Arcado [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 1539 ) , having regard to the objectives and general scheme of the Convention , it is important that , in order to ensure as far as possible the equality and uniformity of the rights and obligations arising out of the Convention of the contracting states and the persons concerned , that concept should not be interpreted simply as referring to the national law of one or other of the states concerned .
7 It has been pointed out by Gospel that ‘ managers ’ themselves can not be defined simply as being either employers or employees , since for the majority of them their role is ( simultaneously ) of a dual nature :
8 It can be viewed simply as the packaging that encloses these goodies and who gets excited about the packaging of anything , once it has performed its function of delivering and protecting the goods ?
9 One deduction we might draw from this is that the examples of Anderson 's modesty noted above , when seen in the context of his more pompous utterances and these attempts to preserve his academic credibility , are more likely to be viewed simply as superficial politeness strategies than as being genuinely meant .
10 Colic can be described simply as abdominal pain caused by malfunction of the intestinal tract , but sometimes the horse does n't get better .
11 The couple were listed simply as Extract 41 — the 41st wedding to take place in registrar Molly Croll 's district this year .
12 Instead of being perceived simply as agents of the shareholders the board of directors came to be viewed as an organ of the company which for many purposes could be treated as the company .
13 All this is presented simply as story , even as history , but supra-realistic suggestions keep crowding in .
14 The first letter of the word is stored simply as one of the rightmost 26 bits out of the 32 available in the first long integer .
15 Staff and pupils were on first name terms , so that Miss Clifton was Cliffy to her face , and Anna Essinger , who had been dubbed Tante Anna in German , was known simply as T A. The children contributed to the maintenance of their school , to the extent of making furniture and cleaning and repairing the building .
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