Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] former " in BNC.

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1 The task of introducing TQM has been given to former Group Training Manager , Bob Rae , who was promoted to General Manager , Quality Development in January .
2 Memorials to those who never returned have been erected at former 8th Air Force airfields .
3 The 23 bedrooms are named after former residents of Frith Street : the 18th-century essayist and hotel 's namesake William Hazlitt ; Charles Lamb ; and Jonathan Swift .
4 There was a well developed and long-lived post-Roman pottery industry in the area ( based on St Neots , Stamford and Ipswich ) and this means that , because the area is intensively ploughed , scatters of potsherds are revealed on former settlement sites .
5 This would need the co-operation of non-Paris-club creditors , like Russia , to whom large sums are owed by former Soviet protégés , such as Ethiopia and Mozambique .
6 Now villagers at Caergeiliog , on the A5 , claim they have been snubbed by former Welsh Secretary , David Hunt , and are planning to hold their own meeting with the backing of the island 's MP , Ieuan Wyn Jones .
7 Génération Europe has been founded by former EC Environment Commissioner Carlo Ripa di Meana , and green politicians Brice Lalonde ( France ) and Roelants du Vivier ( Belgium ) .
8 The Isle of Wight practice , now known as Hook & Co , has been bought by former Hook Harris partners Peter Warren and Gordon Barton with finance from another south coast accounting firm , through its limited company , Ashdown Hurrey & Co Ltd .
9 Moreover , associatives are not the only group that can appear prenominally but which do not assign their property to the entity identified by the phrase of which they form part ; two other types ( to be discussed in Chapter 6 ) are exemplified by former and sheer .
10 The new scheme , which , it is hoped , will introduce tennis to some 20,000 youngsters over the next three years , has been masterminded by former British Women 's Team manager , Sue Mappin , most recently remembered for her success in staging the 1991 Federation Cup tournament in Nottingham .
11 This Saturday he 'll be joined by former Gloucester captain Mike Hamlin , who 's playing his first First team match for his new club .
12 The floor leader of the VVD , Joris Voorhoeve , resigned on May 1 , 1990 , to be succeeded by former Defence Minister Frits Bolkestein .
13 The plan included two courses ( one to be designed by former Open champion Tom Weiskopf ) , a 200 room hotel , 50 timeshare lodges , a marina , stables and a nature reserve .
14 Golat Youth hostel , situated 400m from the Fowey estuary up a hillside , was due to be reopened by former local resident Chay Blyth .
15 As reported , the terms of Somare 's election were that he would lead the party until March 1993 , whereupon the leadership would then be transferred to former Minister of Forests Jack Genia .
16 But the inquiry , to be chaired by former Health Service Commissioner Sir Cecil Clothier , QC , is expected to sit in private and not be able to compel witnesses to give evidence .
17 The flagship news show will be presented by former ITN man Alastair Stewart and Fiona Foster from BBC 's 999 .
18 Antonio Navarro Wolff , president of the April 19 Movement Democratic Alliance ( AD/M-19 ) , announced on May 21 that he would call on the government to hold a plebiscite on whether an amnesty should be granted to former M-19 guerrillas who had participated in an assault on the Palace of Justice in the capital , Bogotá , on Nov. 6-7 , 1985 , during which 106 people were killed [ see pp. 34152-53 ; 34804-05 ] .
19 There are no plans to resurrect the services which were due to be hauled by former BR Standard 2-6-4 tank 80080 from Crewe to Llandudno .
20 More recently , at the end of 1990 the regional brewing giant Greenall Whitley announced that it was closing both its breweries at Warrington and Nottingham ( formerly the independent Shipstone 's brewery ) to concentrate solely on running pubs — contracting out its beer to be produced by former rivals Allied Breweries .
21 And there were shouts too for the resignation of manager Ray Hankin , who , according to the many rumours sweeping the ground before and during the match , is to be replaced by former Middlesbrough and Millwall boss Bruce Rioch .
22 The experience against those rivals will be provided by former England captain and club captain John Orwin who said : ‘ We know each other very well and frankly we would have preferred to come out of the hat first .
23 Attention was then turned towards possible funds which could be recovered from former Drexel employees , most notably Milken .
24 It was likely , moreover , that candidates would be restricted to former ministers and senior civil servants .
25 Cochrane , who will be assisted by former youth team manager Alan Skelton , returned from a spell coaching abroad earlier in the year , but has played in the Northern League for Billingham Synthonia .
26 He is off to Kleinwort Benson where he will be reunited with former UBS colleague Ken Humphries , who left about nine months ago .
27 Interviews will be conducted with former ministers , civil servants , serving officers and scientists and technologists in the Ministries of Aviation , Technology , Defence and the Treasury .
28 Under deals agreed with two US companies , the machines will be constructed in former Soviet military factories .
29 It was to be headed by former UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar and would include representatives of political parties , the government , the National Peace Commission and the Church .
30 The Committee would be headed by former KGB chair Lt.-Gen.
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