Example sentences of "[be] [verb] available for " in BNC.

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1 This last short section concerns the fate of large institutional sites in the countryside , principally redundant hospital sites which are becoming available for redevelopment as the result of community care and other policies .
2 Though no good new assays exist to supplement assays of alkaline phosphatase to assess bone formation , more specific markers are becoming available for bone resorption .
3 By the summer of 1967 , when he left the Department of Education and Science for the Board of Trade , £16m. had been made available for a building programme over the next two years , with a further £18m. to follow in 1971/2 .
4 Members in developing countries should note that additional funds have been made available for 1993 by the Society 's International Committee , to provide grants for successful applicants from such countries .
5 Thus exemptions have been made available for R&D agreements , specialization agreements , and other agreements which seek to improve efficiency in production ( Sapir et al.
6 The funds available for child protection were continued into 1990/91 and further money has been made available for training in relation to the new Children Act .
7 This blanket denial might have been more persuasive if the report , or the files on which it was based , had been made available for inspection by some suitably qualified independent investigator , but the subcommittee fared no better in this respect than had counsel for Pan Am .
8 £50,000 has been made available for such upgrading work in the 1992/93 Capital Budget .
9 The expenditure plans revealed in January 1992 showed that increased resources had been made available for health , housing , education , and law and order .
10 In the four Scottish cities , £3.5 million in extra capital allocations have been made available for homelessness and a further £4 million extra capital for additional homelessness projects was made available last November .
11 Additional funds have been made available for the purpose and , accordingly , the reforms — including the establishment of trusts — cause no adverse effects on the hospital maintenance programme .
12 At some stage a funding body has assessed the potential worth of a project , and research grants have been made available for it , but the lack of incentive to publish , or the difficulties encountered in preparing work for publication , have resulted in the fact that two-fifths of the work has not been made use of by the scientific community , except possibly through consultations of the original theses , ( which will be discussed in Chapter 4 ) .
13 The two other presidential candidates , Alfonso Santos of the Christian Democratic Front and Guadalupe de Seita , an independent , announced at the end of February that they were withdrawing from the ballot , complaining that government funds had been made available for the Trovoada campaign .
14 At some stage a funding body has assessed the potential worth of a project , and research grants have been made available for it , but the lack of incentive to publish , or the difficulties encountered in preparing work for publication , have resulted in the fact that two-fifths of the work has not been made use of by the scientific community , except possibly through consultations of the original theses , ( which will be discussed in Chapter 4 ) .
15 At the time of writing , the 1881 census is the latest to have been made available for public consultation because of the restriction imposed by the 100 years rule .
16 Design right lasts for 15 years from the end of the calendar year in which it was first recorded in a design document ( which includes storage in a computer ) or an article was made to the design , unless articles have been made available for sale or hire within the first five years in which case the right lasts only a further 10 years .
17 But I was also involved in an insurance policy that has been made available for my patients , when they have that worst moment in their lives , you 've got cancer , you 've had a stroke , to know that in this threat , to what 's going to happen to them , they at least have financial independence .
18 Co-ordinator Pam McHale said £14,500 had been made available for the Streetlink scheme and that approval was expected for another nine schemes over the next week .
19 With the recent introduction of Standard Grade and Revised Higher Grade , special budgets have been made available for the purchase of all the additional apparatus needed for the very attractive , modern courses .
20 BRITAIN will face a spiralling demand for long-term residential care of the elderly unless funds are made available for the rapid development of community services , a report warns today .
21 ‘ Management ’ ( which is relatively cheap ) is seen as the key to change : so education support grants are made available for management training , management consultants proliferate , and the Secretary of State sets up a high-powered task force to investigate the management training and development needs of heads and senior staff .
22 Data from the weather craft are made available for nothing to other governments under international agreements .
23 Some services are financed out of general taxation and are made available for all of us to consume .
24 Augmenting Britain 's direct contributions to the EEC are numerous ways in which specific British resources are made available for common EEC exploitation .
25 However , seeing these are carried out satisfactorily and that adequate resources are made available for doing so , is the responsibility of the Head Area Staff .
26 Unless they are made available for further research , data which have often been collected at great expense and with significant effort may later exist only in a small number of reports which analyse only a fraction of the research potential of the data .
27 MOSCOW — Huge amounts of computerised information held in Soviet data bases are to be made available for the first time to Western research , it was agreed at a conference for Western and Eastern scientists here , writes Justin Arundale .
28 A further $4 billion would be made available for reimbursing the Soviet Union for moving its citizens off the islands , withdrawing the troops stationed there , and paying compensation for the loss of property .
29 God 's wonderful grace and power can be made available for us .
30 An arrangement had been made in association with the World Bank for Scottish advice to be made available for primary education in Pakistan .
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