Example sentences of "[be] [verb] a bigger " in BNC.

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1 Parents have been given a bigger role than ever before .
2 With both types , the lenders have your new home as security , but since they 're taking a bigger risk than normal , you can expect to be charged a higher rate of interest .
3 the United fans enjoyed this game … they should have been celebrating a bigger win too …
4 One problem will undoubtedly be the growing demands of the European Parliament , backed by Chancellor Kohl and President Mitterrand , to be given a bigger say with the Council of Ministers in setting broad Community economic objectives and in holding a future EC central bank to account .
5 Under the surface , just how much of the Sun 's object work is done in-house is apparently causing some consternation amongst some third party players who were under the impression that they 'd be getting a bigger slice of the development cake .
6 The next step will be to build a bigger turbine , with a span of 50 metres .
7 Research and development should be taking a bigger priority in our public expenditure and within the private sector than it is even now . ’
8 Yet foreigners — the French and the Austrians are showing most interest — may be playing a bigger role than these official statistics suggest .
9 The money men , the purveyors of soft drinks , the bankers , the lawyers , the agents and the wheeler-dealers were taking over ; the stars themselves , those in a strong enough position to negotiate strident new financial benefits , were demanding a bigger slice of the cake .
10 The over-riding reason for the fall was the reduction in the working week which was particularly marked from 1966 onwards and was disproportionately large among female workers who were constituting a bigger share of the total working population .
11 Drugs were playing a bigger and more worrying part .
12 ‘ The aim is to provide a bigger market place .
13 There are three possibilities : one is to have a repeat morning service , the second is to build a bigger building and the third and most flexible option is to plant a new church or churches .
14 But all it did was to create a bigger gap that just got bigger and bigger .
15 At Northern Foods Horsley 's brother-in-law , Chris Haskins , was taking a bigger and bigger part in the running of the company , leaving Horsley with more time , and he was delighted to have a chance to help in a project which instantly appealed to his idealistic nature .
16 Or should it have : bad luck on him that labelmate Marvin Gaye was reaching a bigger audience with albums that sound overblown next to Robinson 's persuasive bedside manner .
17 Sir Alfred 's interest was declining and Louis Stanley , his brother-in-law , was playing a bigger part .
18 Er anyway as I say er I realized when I 'd started talking er that I was digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself so I er I climbed out of it and and made an exit .
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