Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] eye " in BNC.

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1 About 40 people have been treated for eye and skin irritation , breathing problems and nausea after being exposed to the spill .
2 In practice it is enlarged to 60° and obvious distortions around the fringes of the work are adjusted by eye .
3 Braverman 's view is that work-study engineers are not contributing knowledge by their analysis of others ' work : they are acting as eyes and ears of management to find out on their behalf how quickly a job can be done .
4 Another advantage is that the file is printable , and can be checked by eye if necessary .
5 To what extent such metrical methods will be used only in specialized analyses remains to be seen , for as Stewart ( 1954 ) suggests , it may be rather a waste of effort to measure such specimens simply to verify what can so quickly be seen by eye .
6 Some sites can be detected by eye , with a tell-tale slight depression or different shade of grass pointing you in the right direction .
7 The gap between him and his pursuers widened ; and at the same moment , though they were invisible and their volley could not be followed by eye or ear , the Welsh archers deployed all along the rim of the forest loosed their shafts together .
8 Although the height of terraces can be estimated by eye by an experienced observer in closely mapped country to a sufficient degree of accuracy , it is safer to determine the heights instrumentally .
9 Towards the far end of the chamber there were several robes half hidden by billowing folds of grey clouds , but which seemed to be composed of eyes as she drew nearer .
10 That is , the intense visual experiences of dreaming during REM sleep are signalled by eye movements because the eyes are actually scanning the images generated by the dream .
11 For apart from being equipped with eyes , head and body , dolphins and whales bear little outward physical resemblance to ourselves .
12 Although Charlie was still thin — now a flyweight — and not all that tall , once his seventeenth birthday had come and gone he noticed that the ladies on the corner of the Whitechapel Road , who were still placing white feathers on anyone wearing civilian clothes who looked as if they might be between the ages of eighteen and forty , were beginning to eye him like impatient vultures .
13 Many were suffering from eye infections , diarrhoea , dehydration and heat exhaustion .
14 ( 1975 ) analysed the data collected in their experiment with a view to seeing whether more accurate responses were given to verbal questions which were followed by eye movements to the right than to verbal questions eliciting leftward eye movements .
15 It is placed at eye level with one eye occluded .
16 The railway slopes uphill when its VP or vanishing point is moved above eye level ; for a downhill slope the VP falls below eye level , EL .
17 Already programs are being written that will automatically define the amount of white space each character of a new type-face needs in which to breathe , if it is not to look cramped ( at the moment this time-consuming procedure is done by eye ) .
18 An intensely dutiful , rather dour man , he was plagued by eye troubles and as a result he shunned fashionable society .
19 The autoradiograph was read by eye .
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