Example sentences of "[modal v] go down [art] " in BNC.

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1 Why was it right to train a fellow and you knew , or you felt that , you could not go to the flight commander or the wing commander and say a think this fellow should go down the pits , " or a think we should remuster him to the Army or the Navy " .
2 ‘ She 'll go down a treat in Shipley . ’
3 I 'm hoping it , once it 's dried out that 'll go down a bit .
4 ‘ When he puts a bad cross in , he 'll go down the line again a few minutes later and try once more .
5 ‘ We 'll go down the back way , ’ Nanny told her , ‘ and out through the kitchen gardens . ’
6 He 's so thick , you know he 'll say right I 'll go down the hold , I 'll do the humping , what they call humping , he 'll do that , loading these slings or bags , rather than him standing there and say well ten bags in that sling , put ten down , he could n't do that , so he 'd rather go down the hold that 's happened .
7 He 'll go down the shutes alright .
8 but you know that er our Susan wanted to go down to erm , get her hair done this morning so erm I says to her come up here , we 'll get a taxi from here we 'll go down the hairdressers and shall permission to collect our money , so we got a taxi from here down to erm what they call that street where er that erm oh dear me Street
9 Cos I was , I said to the youngsters yesterday , I says I 'll tell you what we 'll do , we 'll just take your trainers tomorrow , or we 'll go down the town and put your competition paintings in and then we 'll come round and get the bus up home , and then I thought ah the hell with it we 'll go on down to York Street
10 Oh go on , yeah but Alex you were n't going , I I 'll go down the field and look .
11 Finally could I suggest that if the ‘ wolf pack ’ had your credit policy and implications explained to them , then credit refusals might go down a little easier or not even occur .
12 For the worry that they themselves might go down the same road meant that they could see that teachers who were now ‘ like that ’ had once been enthusiastic , committed students like themselves .
13 ‘ Four years ' work and $12 million could go down the tubes , ’ said Conner .
14 ‘ We could go down the coast from Losan , ’ Tulagai said .
15 Suppose we could go down the Rainbow and have a look at that microwave .
16 well then , then you could really , would be , I 'll always start on , you could go down the police station and have a word with them , see what they think , and they 'll probably put you in touch with somebody , cos they know everything they know what
17 There 's too many metal and dirge infested undertones but they 'd go down a storm supporting Silverfish .
18 There 's too many metal and dirge infested undertones but they 'd go down a storm supporting Silverfish .
19 On a Sunday , they could go down to chapel , the old girls 'd to go down one side of the aisle , they 'd go down the other , the old men , tried to put his hand out , touch the old lady …
20 Or you 'd go down the er out to Barton and down the side of Armand up and back again .
21 we 'd go down the station , went pub , there 's er , I think were two and seven pence I 'm not right sure , but that is worth by
22 Then I 'd go down the town buy us all clothes then , you and I would go out for a private dinner Jean .
23 They may go down the field below the cave to a gate on the Kingsdale road which , followed to the left , goes over a rise to Deepdale and Dent , and to the right leads down the valley to the more probable destination of Ingleton which has accommodation , shops , refreshments and bus services .
24 Let's go down the arcades , eh ?
25 Let's go down the Turk 's Head , ’ his grandad used to say , when it was still a treat for them both and not the stuff of nightmares .
26 Let's go down the toilet , see if it 's open .
27 ‘ That would go down a treat . ’
28 Try its lively , grassy , gooseberry-like '90 Sauvignon , Vin de Pays du Jardin de la France from Guy Saget ( £3.55 ) that would go down a treat with the Mushroom & Parmesan Risotto ( page 120 ) , or the Lemon & Mustard Mackerel ( page 122 ) .
29 And I mean I think that if it was spread more I mean if if if people locally gave more to bereaved in their own areas , I mean it would go down a lot more good there .
30 A hatrick of goals tomorrow at Newcastle would go down a treat .
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