Example sentences of "[modal v] go for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The day has come when India should go for new faces and not go on trying with the old ones , who have failed us miserably , ’ he said .
2 They 'll go for small birds , insects and even worms — but then , it 's said that there 's as much protein in a decent-sized earthworm as in quarter of a pound of beef , so it must be nourishing , if not very appetising by most people 's standards !
3 We 'd go for long walks and eat hot meals and watch the sunset .
4 A family centre is a place where a child and his parents or those caring for him may go for occupational , social or recreational activities , or for advice , guidance or counselling .
5 I , no I , I get the impression that , you know , everyone just everyone just kind of freaked out end of nineteen forty six forty seven and they were just , oh God what are we gon na do now , wh what can we do to get some more support , oh excellent , yeah , let's go for equal distribution , what a great idea and then all of a sudden they think oh no , it 's not , you know , perhaps it 's not such a good idea after all .
6 let's go for medical practices .
7 In the normal way , a pregnant woman would go for regular check-ups either with her doctor or with the ante-natal clinic , the first visit being around the eighth to twelfth week .
8 What is certain is that , did it exist and were it to be opened by some ‘ cleansing regime ’ , the happy openness of British life would go for good .
9 At first I would go for short walks , lasting perhaps half an hour , and then return to bed sufficiently impressed with my own daring to be able to relax into sleep .
10 Well Fred 's got my Graham Thomas because it really is a superb rose but as well as that I would go for hybrid musk and I think of all the hybrid musk , my favourite is Felicia because of that silvery pink , lovely double shaped flower and that is very very heavily scented and I would have to have the bourbon rose the th the double white creamy white bourbon rose , if , you could almost eat that , that wo n't get more than about six foot and you can prune it to keep it in shape a bit if it begins to get too straggly .
11 Interestingly , though , most of the audition selections are chosen from work of the last twenty years ; most young students will go for contemporary work .
12 So there is little chance that the 1993 programme will go for short-term audience gain at the expense of long-term credibility .
13 Net proceeds will go for working capital .
14 There is a danger that shrewd private landlords will go for short assured tenancies ( 4–5 years ) which would give them the right to get rid of tenants ( including those with dementia ) when the lease runs out .
15 He can go for long periods without food ; I can go for long periods without sleep .
16 He can go for long periods without food ; I can go for long periods without sleep .
17 ‘ I was the first one to experience this sort of pressure , while players like Ian Wright and Keith Curle can go for extraordinary amounts but they escaped because they were not the record signings .
18 With turkey you can go for red or white but whatever you choose needs to be big and flavoursome .
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