Example sentences of "[modal v] go a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Along with our new view of ourselves should go a new credo altogether .
2 In the meantime this recording should go a long way to helping his cause .
3 Our exclusive interview with Steffi elsewhere in this issue should go a long way to satisfying the demands of her fans , many of whom continue to demand more and more information about their favourite player .
4 The plan 's changes should go a long way to drag Lloyd 's up to the standards of other financial markets .
5 Together with thick carpet and underfelt , it should go a long way to pleasing the occupants of the flat below .
6 ‘ This afternoon 's coverage should go a long way in helping you set up your own firm , ’ he said , wiping his hands on a serviette .
7 Captain George Sutherland , director of marine operations for Shetland Island Council , said : ‘ The proposals for traffic separation should go a long way to providing protection for the adjacent coastline and we are content with the measures . ’
8 The new directives should go a long way to ensuring that employers do not abuse their employees in terms of unsafe working practice , practices .
9 Now one must go a long way upriver to find them , far into Sudan and Uganda .
10 To escape from Heathcliff I must go a long way away .
11 Local conditions must go a long way to explaining why some villages were vulnerable to enclosure and others were not , and these variations could occur within the limits of a single shire .
12 Maybe he 'll go a regular time between feeds , maybe he 'll snack on and off all day — there 's no way of telling .
13 ‘ He 'll go a long way out of his way for something he likes to eat , will your average fox .
14 Jack 'll go a different way .
15 Aristocratic rivalries might go a long way to explain the ineffectiveness of English armies , as one of the chronicler 's few detailed descriptions of internal affairs indicates .
16 He believed that parliamentary government could go a great way towards securing personal liberty but ‘ neither parliamentary government nor any other form of constitution … will ever of itself remove all or half the sufferings of human beings .
17 If applied on an institutional scale it could abolish the deficit of cadaveric transplants and could go a long way towards solving the moral problem that continues to exercise me and my colleagues . ’
18 The feminine touch in the car showroom could go a long way towards clinching a deal , the Retail Motor Industry Federation said yesterday .
19 That could go a long way towards avoiding car payments .
20 We will have more success at slowing world population growth if we see it as problem of enabling women in poor countries to have control over their own reproduction , which some carefully targeted development aid could go a long way towards achieving .
21 Two per cent insanity could go a long , long way .
22 This election could go a long way to sorting that out .
23 ‘ And they 'd go a long way to ‘ elp ‘ im if ever ‘ e ‘ ad a problem . ’
24 I 'd go a little bit further and say well it 'd be much more likely that husband and wife would be in the master bedroom with in the small bedroom , but as you say er the adults or anybody indeed in the flat is likely to be in the bedrooms at that time , but Sergeant you see went a bit further and said that at the briefing , somehow he got information that was likely to be in the master bedroom so I understand your evidence , you certainly did n't get that impression at the brief .
25 Lastly , careful use of space in the table layout may go a long way towards helpful guiding of the eye .
26 The strengthening of general or ‘ line ’ management commitment to development may go a large part of the way to overcome local inertia .
27 Government policy was aimed at reducing the number of smokers in the country and an advertising ban would go a good way to achieving this , he said .
28 Murray confirmed only that the deal had been agreed and that it would go a long way towards cutting Rangers ' overdraft of £9.5 million .
29 That , stated Coopers & Lybrand/Cork Gully in their guide to the Cork Report , would go a long way towards remedying the shortcomings of the present system .
30 And , ultimately , you 're bound to realise that this amount of money would go a long , long way towards buying your own small PA system — cabs , mixer amp , processor , parametric , vocal mike and all .
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