Example sentences of "[modal v] keep [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is not suggested that the teacher should keep up a non-stop commentary or continually repeat the children 's answers and comments for the benefit of the rest of the group .
2 To justify their hold on this island far into East Germany , the West Germans must keep up a good show of a thriving community in West Berlin .
3 We must keep up the pressure on the lairds , the stream of meetings , so that we are all welded together , we feel our accumulated powers , day in day out .
4 Mr Baker must keep up the peacemaking .
5 Must keep up the family tradition you know .
6 ‘ What she means , ’ Ruth said pertly when Mrs Longhill had left the kitchen , ‘ is that her servants must keep up the standards ! ’
7 However frustrating , Labour leaders must keep up the attack to put Britain back to work .
8 It 'll keep up the demand for English actors .
9 We first of all we used to give the food parcel every fortnight because it was half one week and half the next and now it 's a food parcel every week so they they 're guaranteed that basic sustenance you know and erm and we 'll keep up the up th up the fund raising and the money 's certainly still pouring in .
10 The murals of Diego Rivera for the Secretariat of Public Education in Mexico City are admitted by the critic Antonio Rodriguez not to be all of an equally high standard , ‘ but what poet could keep up the same lyrical flow for a thousand verses ?
11 The great review on Glasgow Green had only managed to squeeze 60 recruits from the reluctant ranks of the Clydesiders , but neither the shirts , the 6,000 coats and pairs of shoes , the printing press , printers to go with it , guns and ammunition , hostaged town councillors , or his alcoholic mistress , Clementina Walkinshaw , could keep out the chill on Culloden moor .
12 However they said they would continue insisting on an 8pm bedtime and they would keep up the bedtime stories .
13 SHADOW Health Secretary Dave Blunkett vowed that Labour would keep up the fight to stop the Tories ruining the NHS .
14 The island wind would blow freshly through the wooden casements of his bedroom there , and a columned verandah as in a Roman country villa would keep out the heat of the sun at its zenith from the interior .
15 In the middle of the circle was one hut that had a better roof than the others , so it would keep out the wind and the rain .
16 But he perked up quickly and promised : ‘ We will keep up the argument . ’
17 He is off to New Zealand with the International XV next month and will keep up the traditions set by Van Vollenhoven , Englebrecht , Muller , Nomis , Mordt and Du Plessis — to name but a few of the recent greats .
18 For their debut album ‘ Ireland 's Dancing Days ’ is released today and will keep up the harmonious accordion tradition — on the Emerald label .
19 Choose phones which have generously sized earmuffs as they will keep out the direct sound and allow you to concentrate on the audio signal itself .
20 We can keep up the pressure for more treaties just as public pressure led to the signing of the INF treaty in 1987 .
21 The question for investors now is whether the shares , excellent performers through the recession , can keep up the pace in a recovery .
22 Do you think you can keep up the patter ? ’
23 If it can keep up the pace , ICL 's hope is that it could overtake IBM in the UK by 1996 .
24 However , Wanderers are true amateurs on the field and will no doubt battle until they give up , so let's hope Athletico can keep up the good work and send them home with three lost points and the Samaritans ’ telephone number .
25 If I can keep up the Peter Sellers act long enough without dying of laughing , I might just get meself a few pints out of it .
26 In fact , the whole thing goes on all night and if they can keep down the smarmy comments ( like , we know this stuff if crap , we do n't need to be told ) , it could be very good .
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