Example sentences of "[modal v] not accept that " in BNC.

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1 But we should not accept that this is how things are until we are convinced that there is no other account of knowledge which offers the sceptic less leverage .
2 Yet an individual may not accept that the State has represented his or her interests adequately in a claim of State responsibility .
3 If I want group members ' approval , I will accept the dictates of the group about my role , even though I might not accept that influence in a one-to-one relationship .
4 A jury might not accept that he had proved his case , but they would agree there was a case to answer .
5 In an interview with the popular intellectual magazine Magill in June , Archbishop MacNamara found he could not accept that the state had the power to determine the meaning and nature of marriage and compared the effects of divorce to the recent Chernobyl nuclear disaster .
6 His Lordship could not accept that a sensible construction of paragraph 19 involved that , provided only the commercial deputising service was large and efficient enough , the FPC was in practice obliged to give its consent even though it knew that the doctor in question intended to delegate his entire practice to such an organisation .
7 He could not accept that Christ 's Atonement was not in some sense , applicable to the entire human race .
8 But when I did so , the words I uttered for the record were that I could not accept that the proper constitutional practices , as I understood them , were being observed .
9 I told the Cabinet that I could not accept that the traditional basis for collective responsibility had been established .
10 As the Commissioners could not accept that there were any mitigating circumstances , the maximum penalty of £300 for each year was imposed .
11 Grieving father Garry Tomlins said at his Cork home that he could not accept that his children 's deaths were a ‘ freak , million-to-one ’ accident .
12 For all the assurances from those around me that I was perfect Legion material , I could not accept that the prestigious French Foreign Legion would have any need of the services of somebody whose military prowess was earned more at the bar than in the field .
13 Retentionists could not accept that a rapist who breaks into a house , violates his victim , and then kills in order to prevent her giving evidence against him , should be treated as having committed a lesser offence than a burglar who kills in the course of theft .
14 He could not accept that the goal or end of a process , the final cause , was the principal cause .
15 The alternative may be the public compliance combined with private doubt of the boy who could not accept that the Earth was round .
16 And yet , he could not accept that he would never again hold her in his arms .
17 Even now , she could not accept that it was over , that the deception had to end .
18 A European Commission statement issued on Oct. 8 on behalf of the European Communities ( EC ) warned that this extension of the existing 30-year US embargo " had the potential to cause grave damage to the transatlantic relationship " , adding that it could not accept that " the USA unilaterally determines and restricts EC economic and commercial relations with any foreign nation which has not been designated by the UN as a threat to peace or order " .
19 The report accepted that the entry qualifications for the new degree and its standards should be as for other first degrees , but a majority of the group could not accept that it was possible to combine a professional and academic education to honours standard in three years .
20 Leith could n't help feeling extremely sorry for her , especially when she discovered that Rosemary , brought up believing that marriages were forever , could not accept that her marriage was over — even though it had ended up such a disaster and Derek was now asking for a divorce .
21 Lord Justice Watkins added : ‘ I would not accept that he did so to deceive his creditors , present or future . ’
22 Those who would insist on an agreed blueprint of morality , or a set of moral values , to which all our aims and actions must be subject , would not accept that there are moral dilemmas .
23 Following a recent PAYE audit the officer concerned would not accept that this vehicle is a pool car because of the factor just described above .
24 They would not accept that the students could act spontaneously and have their own views outside of the party 's direction .
25 He simply would not accept that her two children should be allowed any further time off school for the purpose of family holidays .
26 They can take into account a painting 's decline in value if it has actually sold for that price , but because the decline in prices has only occurred at a dealers ' auction , they will not accept that a similar composition by the same artist would automatically be valued at much less than the price paid for it .
27 With modern technology , I can not accept that this standard is out of reach .
28 They can not accept that I should cast votes on their behalf without first asking each of them what they think .
29 They can not accept that one of their most cherished foxes has been shot .
30 we can not accept that there can be a breach of the peace unless there has been an act done or threatened to be done which either actually harms a person , or in his presence his property , or is likely to cause such harm , or which puts someone in fear of such harm being done .
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