Example sentences of "[modal v] now take [art] " in BNC.

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1 We must now take a closer look at definitions and measurements regarding the glass transition .
2 He 'll now take the lamb for adoption .
3 All other peers may now take a seat in the House of Lords and may not participate in the election of Members of the House of Commons .
4 But Jasmine 's mother says she 's not satisfied , and may now take the matter to court .
5 It would now take a motorist burping their horn or a dog barking nearby to get her hopping mad , which was real progress .
6 The December meeting would now take the form of a consultative congress .
7 I should be obliged if you would now take the appropriate steps to have the recoveries examined or alternatively to authorise their return .
8 We shall now take a ferromagnetic material that has a very narrow hysteresis loop so that we can assume with good approximation a unique ( though of course nonlinear ) relationship between B and H. The material is again assumed to be of a toroidal shape but it is now excited by a current I flowing in a coil of N turns ( Fig. 3.13(a) ) .
9 We shall now take a very simple case when a conducting disc of thickness
10 We shall now take a more detailed look at what is meant by this term .
11 The end result is a lovely camouflaged effect , but more importantly the dye has roughened up the normally smooth surface of the reed , which will now take a good varnish that will not chip off .
12 He says that somebody who experiences the fire of love will find that he is affected physically : he may find that he develops a stammer and is unable to speak quickly or clearly any more and that his whole body has slowed down : a job that once took half an hour will now take a whole morning .
13 I do hope that the church will now take a greater interest in , and responsibility for , nature conservation — here is an opportunity right on their doorsteps ! "
14 Lord Ennals said : ‘ It took a Labour government to create the NHS and it will now take a Labour government to save the NHS . ’
15 Further , instead of taking the average of the twenty best years ' earnings after 1978 , SERPS will now take an average earnings of all years worked .
16 We hope the council will now take the opportunity to act in accordance with the wishes of the majority of villagers . ’
17 To ask the Secretary of State for Energy if he will now take the National Grid Company back into state ownership .
18 The benefits in terms of reliability and speed are dramatic enough — reckons that what took 20 minutes to send down a line can now take a tenth of the time .
19 Four new projects will follow on from EDS , but under Esprit II intellectual property rules , each consortium member can now take the results of the project and use them commercially .
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